A Personal Health Assessment: What The Results Reveal

Are you looking to get a better handle on your health and overall wellness? As you begin evaluating your health and setting your goals, it is helpful to start out with a simple health assessment to better identify the areas in which you are struggling so you know where to start.
Once you see where you are, it’s much easier to see where you need to be. This is why setting health goals by beginning with an assessment results in a much higher chance of success.
Mind and Emotions
Being cognizant of your own emotional and mental health is a critical component in, not only your happiness, but your physical health as well. A health assessment will help determine if you are:
Stressed, anxious, or irritable
Worried or fearful
Suffering from restless sleep
Dealing with poor concentration or memory
If you are dealing with any of these negative side effects of an unhealthy mind or spirit, don’t despair. There are plenty of things you can do to get the mental health support you need.
Meditation or prayer is a good place to start. By calming your mind and breathing deeply, you give yourself the chance to sit in the emotions you are experiencing. Letting yourself feel them to the fullest extent allows you eventually to work through them, using productive means, rather than destructive ones.
If you are unable to move through the natural and healthy stages of stress or anxiety, reach out to a trusted loved one, or an experienced mental health professional. Seeking therapeutic help often will be the best thing you can do for yourself.
Environmental and Pharmaceutical Influences
Every day we are exposed to a variety of unhealthy environmental and pharmaceutical toxins. Ones we breaths, apply to our skin and swallow. A health assessment will take into consideration:
Tobacco use
Drinking chlorinated water
Exposure to air pollution
Routinely or frequently used over-the-counter and prescription medications
Personal care products (soap, shampoo, lotion, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.)
Home cleaning products
Once you know your risks, you’ll be better able to use the proper tools for combating these toxins. Exchange unhealthy items for smoking cessation products, herbal supplements and all-natural cleaning products. Doing so can go a long way to boosting your health.
General Health and Vitality
Assessing your general health and vitality requires a more detailed, in-depth look. For example, do you:
Show signs of skin or complexion problems
Have difficulty maintaining an ideal weight
Experience muscle cramps or spasms
Worry about weak bones, teeth, or cartilage
Frequently urinate
Feel soreness in your joints
Have a low sex drive
Lack energy or endurance
Encounter shallow or difficult breathing
These and other probing health questions will give you important clues into what action you need to take to remedy, not only these concerns, but any underlying issues that may be causing them.
A visit to your preferred healthcare provider can get you answers to your questions, solutions to your problems and a clear path toward optimal vitality.
Dietary Influences
In our crazy day-to-day lives, eating the recommended portions of fruits, vegetables, dairy and proteins can be tough. However, there are other influences on your health as well. For example, do you have issues with:
Food allergies
Body odor and/or bad breath
Excessive belching or gas
Difficult digestion
To find out what foods influence (for good or for bad) your daily diet, analyze the foods you eat. Doing this can help you see which nutrients you are short on and which types of foods may be causing unpleasant symptoms. Once armed with that awareness, you’ll have the power to change your eating habits and get back to feeling well.
So what can a personal health evaluation do for you? A lot! But before you begin working on any health goals, find out what areas you should focus on the most to bring you success, health, and happiness.