10 Foods Allergy Sufferers Should Try

More than 11 million Americans are estimated to have food allergies, which occur when the immune system reacts poorly to certain food. If you have an allergy, you know: Within minutes of eating the offending food, you may experience hives, swelling or have trouble breathing.
Less obvious and more common are food intolerances, which can be digestive issues that don’t involve the immune system. Symptoms may include cramps, gas and bloating. Unlike with food allergies, you may be able to eat small amounts of problem foods.
But don’t torture yourself. Instead, try some of these lower risk alternatives to the most common food allergies, including milk, eggs, peanuts and soy.
Apples and applesauce
In addition to vitamin C, pectin (a soluble fiber), potassium and important phytochemicals, apples contain high amounts of quercetin, which can help reduce allergy symptoms, according to a study in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. German researchers recently showed organically produced apples have a 15 percent higher antioxidant capacity than conventionally produced apples.
Try this: Lightly saute slices from one apple with one diced potato and onion.
Cruciferous vegetables
Some people with allergies have trouble removing toxins through the liver and kidneys, said nutrition expert Bonnie Minsky. If the toxins back up into the body, it increases the chances of inflammation, which leaves an allergic person even more sensitive. Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage greatly assist the process, she said.
Try this: Eat broccoli steamed and mixed with fresh garlic and olive oil.
Probably the least allergenic of the grains, quinoa’s high protein content (12 percent to 18 percent) and balanced set of essential amino acids make it a complete source of protein, according to chef Lisa Williams, who has allergies to wheat and dairy and sensitivities to sugar and gluten. Quinoa is a good source of dietary fiber, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.
Try this: Since breakfast is often problematic for people with allergies, try quinoa in the morning; add nuts and fruit if you can.
Food can be expensive when you’re on a specialized diet, which makes relatively cheap lentils a superfood on all fronts. Lentils are loaded with iron, protein and folic acid. One cup has 16 grams of fiber. They’re also versatile and easy to store. If you’re allergic to peanuts, you have a 5 percent chance of having an allergic reaction to other legumes such as lentils, according to allergy expert Dr. Lee Freund, author of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Food Allergies.”
Try this: Combine two cups of cooked lentils with two oranges cut into cubes and two chopped sweet peppers, suggests naturopathic doctor Michael Murray in “The Condensed Encyclopedia of Healing Food.” Season with salt and your favorite herbs and spices.
Sweet potato
Nutritious and rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber, sweet potatoes are a member of the morning glory family. They are brimming with carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, fiber and vitamin B-6, which all contribute to reduced inflammation, Minsky said.
Try this: Make sweet potato fries by slicing and lightly coating with olive oil and your favorite spices. Bake until crispy (about 20 minutes) at 300 degrees.
Avocados can be an ideal source for healthful fat. It’s also a natural anti-inflammatory because it has a high amount of vitamin B-6 and magnesium, Minsky said. “Avocado is also a blood sugar stabilizer and liver cleanser which further lowers the risk of allergic inflammation,” she said. If you have a latex sensitivity or are allergic to melons, you may have a reaction to avocados.
Try this: Mix a cup of corn, a cup of tomatillo salsa and one diced avocado. Top with cilantro.
A red seaweed that is salty when it’s dry and slippery when you start to chew. It’s high in iodine, which is good for the thyroid. It also has calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and other vitamins and minerals.
Try this: Use it like a condiment; sprinkle the powder on broccoli or potatoes or add to salad dressings. Add big leaves to soup.
Rice milk
Rice is a standard hypoallergenic food. Though rice milk is low in protein, it’s a popular alternative for those who avoid cow’s milk because they are lactose intolerant.
Try this: Make a smoothie with two cups of plain rice milk, a cup of juice, a few chucks of frozen fruit and a shot of omega 3 fish oil (unless you have seafood allergies), as suggested by Robyn O’Brien, founder of Allergy Kids and author of the book “The Unhealthy Truth.”
Salba seeds
A light-colored version of chia seeds, salba seeds can be found as a whole grain, in ground powder or in some snack products. Unlike flax seeds, they are digestible in whole seed form, Doherty said. They’re rich in omega 3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, antioxidants, magnesium, folate, calcium and iron, as well as vitamins A and C.
Try this: Sprinkle the seeds in smoothies, cereal, yogurt or casseroles.
Packed with potassium and containing more calcium than orange juice, high in soluble fiber, which can relieve constipation. Dark figs have a stronger taste. Eat them fresh, if you can.
Try this
“Use a fig puree as a sweetener,” said nutrition expert Jonny Bowden. Combine 8 ounces of figs with a quarter-cup to a third of a cup of water in a blender. Pureed figs also can be used as a sandwch filler.
Found at http://www.chicagotribune.com/features/food/chi-tc-food-health-0529-0603jun03,0,1694733.story?