Health Breakthrough: Clinically Proven Cannabidiol Compound Discovered To Cause Havoc On Cancer Cells
(Now Available Across America)
As you read this review of the scientific literature regarding the therapeutic effects of Cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinoids, one thing will become quickly evident:
CBD has a profound influence on the human body. This one compound not only works on cancer cells but seems to affect every aspect of our bodies and minds.
Let’s start with explaining that CBD comes from both Cannabis and Hemp. Both are actually sister plants, one has a compound that will get you high, the other will not.
We Were Skeptical
We knew cannabis was used as medicine for long time in the past.
When we started reading about it being a panacea or a “cure all” we found it hard to believe and thought people were just trying to cash in.
There were big claims but where was the scientific evidence to back them up?
Well, we began searching for this scientific research and what we found was nothing short of astounding!
There was a literal sea of scientific information validated the claims. There is now more evidence to back up the incredible claims than many of the well accepted pharmaceuticals commonly used today.
If you go to PubMed and do a search on on Cannabinoid you will find almost 20,000 studies. That’s an average of more than two scientific publications per day over the last 20 years!
Literally 1000’s Of Clinical Studies Show Amazing Benefits…
- 221 Studies: Cannabidiol displays anti-seizure properties
- 533 Studies: Regulation of nausea and vomiting by cannabinoids
- 1784 Studies: CBD suppresses pain
- 1168 Studies: CBD improves brain function
- 295 Studies: CBD improves sleep
- 2042 Studies: CBD Fights Cancer and Tumors
- 1368 Studies: Cannabidiol protects from inflammation
- 413 Studies: Anxiety relief with CBD
- 802 Studies: CBD helps fight neurodegenerative disease
With thousands of studies validating its effectiveness, many are finding it is worthwhile to give it a try.
How Can CBD help so many conditions?
It’s really quite simple:
Our body has an important system called the The Endocannabinoid System, named after the plant that helped us discover it.
This system wants to maintain balance, called homeostasis.
In order to create homeostasis, our body leverages tools in the form of nutrients and compounds from everything we ingest (including the air we breath and water we drink).
A special set of nutrients called Cannabinoids promote homeostasis at every level of biological life, from the sub-cellular, to the organism, and perhaps to the community and beyond. For example, Autophagy is a process where cells self-digest and recycle, and is mediated by the cannabinoid system.
With an infusion of quality Cannabidiol (CBD) cells are helped in this process, which keeps normal cells alive, allowing them to maintain a natural balance. However it has a deadly effect on malignant tumor cells, causing them to consume themselves in a programmed cellular suicide. One can certainly point out by adding into a persons body, the effect of CBD murders cancer cells.
The death of cancer cells, of course, promotes homeostasis and survival across the whole body.1 Give it a try and experience the healing power of CBD for yourself. Get premium CBD here.
Secrets To How Cannabinoids Cause Havoc On Cancer Cells
Learn here how Cannabinoids Impacts Cancer Cells, watch this short video clip:
—–> Try CBD & bring your body back to health
Healing Compounds In This Amazing Plant
Of the 483 chemical compounds found in the Cannabis Sativa plant, every single one help with healing but only 1 will get you high. The compound responsible for the high is THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol.
Below is a list of the more important compounds in cannabis and their effects. What’s interesting is it has been shown CBD counters the psychoactive effects of THC.
A highly recommended and reputable brand of CBD is SOL✿CBD. Testing documents of this product has shown no THC present. That means it will give you all the healing benefits of cannabis without getting you high and it will never show up on a drug test.
Can CBD Help Alleviate Pain?
Thousands of studies now show the incredible power of Cannabidiol or CBD to help the body recover from painful ailments. Every day major news stations broadcast heart warming stories of men and women using CBD to improve their lives as well as their children for the better.
And it’s now available, finally, across America.
Dr. Santo, who has been practicing for over 18 years as a Naturopathic doctor and a doctor of Chinese Medicine, has seen dramatic results in his practice using CBD oil. In fact, patient success with CBD oil has been so extreme it has now gained huge support within the medical and political community.
One of the reasons Dr. Santo chose to become a medical advisor to SOL✿CBD, an established company supplying premium quality CBD Oil to all 50 states, is because studies have found CBD Oil helps alive pain, heal injuries, and potentially reverse diseases.
Here is as full list of ailments studies have shown CBD oil helps with:
Even The US Government Wants To Cash In On The Healing Power of CBD!
Can you believe it! While the US Government is incarcerating people for exploring the benefits of Cannabis they are also setting up to profit wildly from a compound held within it. Seems they are playing both sides of the fence like a Mob run organization instead of a government out to protect us.
Patent (#6,630,507) is held by the United States government which shows the true potential of CBD. This patent is licensed to a pharmaceutical lab which is currently creating products using CBD.
FACT: Cannabidiol (CBD) Stimulates Healing At A Cellular Level
What makes CBD unique is that it uses something called the “Endocannabinoid” system in your body. The endocannabinoid system regulates the proper function of cells throughout your entire body. That’s why people taking CBD notice an improvement in many areas, whereas most supplements today are designed to treat just one specific condition. After a quick search, we discovered tens of thousands of scientific research studies proving the effectiveness of CBD on dozens of different ailments. Here is a small sample of what we found:
Reduces Seizures
In a 2013 case study published in the Journal of Epilepsy and Behavior, children in the study we taking an average of 12 anti-seizure drugs. After introducing CBD, 84% of the families reported an improvement not only with seizures but also increased alertness, improved mood and better sleep.2
Combats Cancer Cells
Recently the NCI (National Cancer Institute) published a press release stating studies have show cannabinoids may be able to impact cancer cells while protecting normal cells.
Decreases Pain
Dr. Manny Alvarez (health editor recently interviewed Chris Kilham (also featured on Dr. OZ) about using cannabidiol to treat chronic illness. In it they discussed how the science of CBD relieving pain goes back to the 1890’s. They also discussed how it appears to have profound nerve-protective and brain-enhancing properties. And interestingly enough, it also induces an anti-anxiety effect.
Reduces Oxidative Stress and Inflammation
One study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology tested the effects of CBD on heart conditions (myocardial dysfunction), oxidative stress, inflammation and cell death. The results revealed a significant reduction in the intensity of the ailments tested, once again proving the case for CBD.
Helps Get Rid Of Stiffness
In yet another study, a group of 160 patients suffering from either spasticity, spasms, bladder problems, tremor or pain were treated with CBD. The result was a significant decrease in the patients #1 troubling symptom with the strongest being control of muscle stiffness and spasms.
“There is evidence to support the use of cannabinoids for the treatment of chronic pain and spasticity,” said study co-author Penny Whiting, a senior research fellow in epidemiology and health services research at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom.
Where to Get Quality CBD Oil…
Again, one of the most trusted companies at the forefront of this revolutionary movement is SOL✿CBD.
WARNING: As a consumer you must be very careful of where you get your CBD. A few high profile companies claimed that their products contained certain amounts of cannabidiol (CBD) and charged a hefty price for it, but when FDA tested those products, some of them did not have any CBD at all!
SOL✿CBD has test documents on their site showing precisely the amount of CBD in their products.
The company was founded to deliver the highest quality CBD at the lowest possible prices. Larry & Oksana of SOL✿CBD say “we are honored to be stewards of this plant and at the forefront of a movement that will help millions. We are motivated solely on the benefits CBD provides our customers. That’s why we offer the highest quality product and a 60-day money back guarantee. If our customers aren’t experiencing a benefit we don’t want their hard earned money.”
You can try the new Highly Absorbable Liposomal SOL✿CBD risk free right here.

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Rave Reviews For CBD…
“My life has changed for the better. I had given up hope.”
“After ten years of regular seizure activity and an anxiety disorder which developed in response to the fear of the seizures, I have been offered a gift of a substance in CBD which have reduced the number of seizures and helped ease the anxiety. It has only been a week that I have been taking this wonderful tincture but my life has changed for the better. I had begun to give up hope. There was a valuable lesson for me. Never give up.” ~JESSICA M.
“I use CBD twice a day and no seizures”
“CBD is the ANSWER. I am 58 years young and I have epileptic seizures. No more PHENOBARBITOL or DILANTIN 6 pills a day. I use CBD twice a day and the seizures go away. I will do everything within my power to educate people about CBD.” ~LUIS J.
“Improved Sleep”
“I use this for my Fibromyalgia pains. It works great & I noticed my sleep is very sound. I will not use any traditional pain management meds. It is also safe & effective for my 15 year old dogs hips! Amazing results for her in much smaller doses needed.” ~MARK B
Still Not Sure? Watch As Medical Doctors Break The Silence and Speak Out On The Benefits of CBD, Here:
—–> Try CBD & bring your body back to health
And if this isn’t revealing enough, here is the…
The Science Behind The Success – Understanding Cannabidiol (CBD)
Remember, CBD is one of over 60 compounds found in cannabis that belong to a class of molecules called cannabinoids. This video below illustrates beautifully the compound and its benefits in the human body.

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