Top 5 Ways To Reduce Chronic Joint Pain Naturally – Magnesium

Every muscle and nerve in your body relies on magnesium to function properly. Normal muscle and nerve function translates to relaxed muscles and pain relief.
Every single cell in the human body demands adequate magnesium to function, or it will perish. Strong bones and teeth, balanced hormones, a healthy nervous and cardiovascular system, flexible joints, well-functioning detoxification pathways and much more depend upon cellular magnesium sufficiency.
Magnesium is the key to unlocking hundreds of enzymatic reactions throughout the body and affects almost every single biological system.
Needless to say, magnesium deficiency can cause a lot of problems.
Magnesium also regulates other minerals, such as calcium, potassium and sodium. It’s like the team-work mineral, aligning itself with other nutrients to help them complete their functions.
Potassium is another critical mineral that may help you with pain relief.
Furthermore, according to the National Institutes of Health Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center, people who suffer from chronic joint pain such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis often have abnormally low levels of magnesium.
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