How To Use Rosemary To Stimulate Hair Growth

Hair loss due to health and environmental factors and progressive thinning of hair is rampant these days. One of the many health benefits of rosemary is stimulating hair growth. This article from DailyHealthPost highlights three DIY ways to use rosemary for treating hair loss naturally.
We all desire healthy and lush hair, so hair loss or progressive thinning hair can affect us quite badly.
Hair loss (alopecia) is more common in men and can result due to many factors, such as genetic factors, hormonal imbalance, skin conditions, thyroid problems, nutritional deficiencies, chronic stress, harsh dyes, side effects of certain medications and more.
Natural hair loss often occurs due to aging process when the hair follicles begin to shrink and produce thinner hair with a shorter lifespan.
Although it’s not clear how rosemary works for hair loss, applying it to the scalp irritates the skin and increases blood circulation. So how can you use rosemary to stimulate hair growth?
Here are several options:
1. Daily Shampooing
For nourishing your hair on a daily basis add rosemary essential oil to your shampoo or conditioner. Use 2 drops of oil for every ounce of shampoo or conditioner.
Alternatively, you can use the herb itself. Place approximately 1 qt. of distilled water in a large saucepan. Bring the water to a boil and stir 1-2 large handfuls of dried rosemary leaves into the boiling water (if you use fresh rosemary you need to double the amount of herb as the dried herb is more concentrated).
Turn off the heat and allow the rosemary to steep in the water for at least 5 hours. Pour the rosemary infusion into a dark-colored glass jar and store it in your refrigerator.
Use the rosemary infusion to make basic rosemary shampoo by mixing 1/4 cup of tea with 1 cup of liquid castile soap.
2. Daily massage
For a daily massage to stimulate new growth, add two drops of rosemary essential oil to one ounce of carrier oil such as jojoba oil. Rub into the scalp for three minutes before showering.
3. Hot Oil Treatment once or twice a week
Once a week use a hot oil treatment for your hair and scalp. You will need three tablespoons of a carrier such as a jojoba essential oil and 5 drops of rosemary essential oil.
Mix the carrier oil and rosemary essential oil in a small glass jar that can be sealed. Place the jar in a bowl of boiled water until the oil is warm.
Gradually massage the entire amount using your fingertips into your dry scalp for several minutes. Make sure to apply a little blend down the length of your hair until the ends.
Wrap your hair with plastic wrap or plastic shower cap, and then cover it with a very warm damp towel. Replace with another warm towel once the first one has cooled. Leave the blend for at least 30-45.
You can stay with it overnight, and if you do this, remove the plastic wrap and sleep with a dry towel on your pillow to absorb the oil. Then rinse and lightly shampoo your hair with a chemical free shampoo. Follow with conditioner if you want.