Message From Spirit – Being Full of Awe and Wonder

Please appreciate all you have! You are wondrous beings having a physical experience. Honour who you are and enjoy the benefits of being on Earth.
Do not take for granted all that is around you. Seek pleasure in Nature. Honour the plants and animals. Be full of awe at what you see! Look at their beauty and wonder!
There is so much around you. Your life is so busy you forget to take the time to appreciate the many wonderful and beautiful things there are to see.
Teach your children to notice Nature. They are so locked in to the technological world. They are starved of appreciation of the natural world. Give them the gift of knowing Nature.
Go on Nature Walks. If you live in the city, go to the country and be revitalized. You will have so much more energy to cope with your “every day”. Walk on the grass with bare feet. Connect with the Earth again. This has many health benefits. Do your body a favour!
Honour the trees. Many of them have been growing for a long, long time. They love contact with human hands. Remember, everything is energy and, yes, trees have their own energy!
What about a trek? A family hike not only will bond the family together, but the discoveries you will make as you walk will be memorable. What beautiful flowers and plants will you discover? What animals will be out and about foraging? It’s exciting to see animals in their natural habitat.
Start appreciating the gifts which are here for you to enjoy. There are many for you to discover. Share your discoveries with others. Ignite their passion for Nature and their desire for a change. Make Nature a part of your life and your family’s life. It will be a life long gift!