Surprising Superfood That Helps Heal Chronic Diseases

Scientists say it’s more powerful than virtually any other “superfood” you’ve ever heard about. In fact, NASA says, 99% of all Life on Earth DEPENDS on this…..without it life would cease to exist!
Can you guess what it is?
If you thought it’s marine phytoplankton, you are correct. For the first time ever, you and I can get marine phytoplankton in its purest, rawest, most potent form.
The Secret is in the Ocean
After over 10 years and millions of dollars worth of research, a team of European doctors, microbiologists, and botanists discovered one amazing strain of marine phytoplankton that contains the highest nutritional values for human consumption.
This superfood contains over 65 nutritional properties including all the amino acids and essential fats … vitamins … key minerals and trace elements … rare antioxidants … phospholipids … electrolytes … nucleic acids … enzymes and co-enzymes.
Due to this rare combination and proportion of elements and nutrients, specific strain of marine phytoplankton is highly effective at stimulating cellular regeneration and profound, rapid healing.
Bypasses Your Digestive System!
Because this healing phytoplankton is composed of single cells, it is uniquely able to bypass your digestive system. These single-celled phytoplankton go straight to your liver – and from there, they enter your blood stream and are carried directly into your cells, where the healing happens.
According to Dr. Jerry Tennant, founder and director of the Tennant Institute of Integrative Medicine, this cellular penetration is the reason he has seen such rapid results – sometimes in just days – with so many of his most critically ill patients.
“With people who are extremely ill … you can’t get their system to absorb the raw materials needed to make neurochemicals,” he explains. “Because [the marine phytoplankton] are so microscopic, they go right through a sick digestive system and a sick liver, and you’ll be able to start restoring neurochemicals and minerals even in somebody who’s critically ill. Nothing else I know of will do that.”
Can Your Health Actually Improve as You Grow Older?
Many nutritional experts and doctors agree with Dr. Tennant that if you were to consume this strain of marine phytoplankton daily … your health would actually improve as you age. The profound healing effects of this whole food source come from its bountiful supply of powerful nutrients, such as…
Chlorophyll, which boosts your immune system, produces cancer-fighting carotenoids, and protects your body against free radicals in the air, water and food.
DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid), an essential fatty acid found more plentifully in the Nannochloropsis Gaditana strain of phytoplankton than in any other food source in the world. Dr. Mehmet Oz (also known as “America’s Doctor”) recently declared that DHA is the most important food supplement you can take.
EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) is a fatty acid that works in concert with DHA to produce nearly every nutrient your body requires!
Immediate Benefits for a Variety of Health Conditions
Thanks to groundbreaking science and production advances – along with the research of a dedicated health enthusiast — the most potent, whole raw form of marine phytoplankton is now available to humans.
Every nutritional attribute of marine phytoplankton – amino acids, essential fatty acids, organic plant minerals, pigments and fresh harvested life energy – are working together synergistically in every cell,
supporting remarkable health benefits, including…
- Memory Loss – Breaks through blood-brain barrier, reaching deepest glands in the brain, stimulating neurotransmitter production and increased brain function and memory
- Diabetes – Alleviates mineral deficiencies and restores normal glucose levels
- Speeds Healing Time – By accelerating cellular repair, it enables the body to heal more rapidly
- Neurological Disorders – Delivers important nervous system repair agents such as phospholipids, DHA and EPA and helps to reconstruct the protective sheating around nerve cells.
- Fatigue – By oxygenating cells, it boost energy levels and alleviates fatigue
- Poor Eyesight – High antioxidant content helps to improve eyesight
- Obesity – Helps boost metabolism and energy giving more weight loss
Now you, too, can eliminate your nutritional deficiencies … stimulate the production of trillions of new cells … and activate your body’s healing potential with Ocean’s Alive Marine Phytoplankton.