Colon Hydrotherapy – the Good and the Bad

Many people these days are undergoing colon hydrotherapy for various reasons, but mostly, to lead healthier lives.
What is colon hydrotherapy, and how does it help you? Also, is it safe, and should you be opting for this at all? These are some of the questions that have been answered below.
Colon hydrotherapy is used to clean out the colon by inserting a tube into the rectum and flushing out the contents of the colon with water along with some vitamins or enzymes. This is supposed to remove the buildup of fecal matter on the walls of the colon and cleanse it by hydrating it and unclogging bacteria and other toxins.
Most people opt for colon hydrotherapy as a preventive measure against gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation or colon cancer. However, there is no real evidence to prove that colon hydrotherapy can actually prevent these diseases. Nevertheless, it has become a common mode of therapy for most people these days, especially those have an inclination toward alternative medicine.
Colon hydrotherapy ensures that the colon or large intestine is unclogged and that it functions as it’s supposed to by flushing out its toxins and wastes with warm water.
After the colon is cleansed with water, a therapist may massage the abdomen to help trigger bowel movement, after which the patient is asked to visit the restroom. The whole procedure could last up to 45 minutes.
Those who advocate colon hydrotherapy concur that the colon or large intestine houses old feces, bacteria, and parasites, and that all these elements are removed successfully via colon hydrotherapy, thus ensuring a healthier system. Today, colon hydrotherapy is also advocated for those who want to lose weight. These people go to specialized spas where they can combine hydrotherapy with a juice based diet to lose more weight. These spas have a warmly lit environment which induces a state of relaxation and helps the patient undergo colon hydrotherapy with ease.
Colon hydrotherapy is often suggested in alternative medicine as a way of completely cleansing the body. Many people have found that seemingly unconnected problems and disorders such as acne, bloating and headaches seem to become less debilitating after a colon hydrotherapy procedure. However, there is not enough evidence to support the theory that colon hydrotherapy is a preventive procedure in any of these cases.
Nevertheless, here are some of the perceived benefits of colon hydrotherapy
- Removes the waste from the large intestine for optimum bowel health
- Some people are unable to excrete their feces regularly, and this causes constipation which has its own set of problems. Those who get constipated regularly find that they gain weight easily and experience a lot of discomfort, all of which can be rectified via colon hydrotherapy.
- Colon hydrotherapy aids detoxification by preventing the buildup of waste matter in the body.
- When waste matter builds up on the walls of the colon, minerals and water cannot be absorbed properly, which causes dehydration.
- Some practitioners suggest that colon hydrotherapy helps in curing various problems such as headaches, chest pain, and brittle hair, as well as diseases such as arthritis, hypertension, ADD, and psoriasis.
- Colon hydrotherapy improves digestion and allow for the better absorption of nutrients from food.
However, before you decide to undergo such an invasive procedure, it’s a good idea to understand the risks involved. Here are the possible reasons as to why you should think twice before choosing colon hydrotherapy:
- Repeated hydrotherapy can cause vomiting or nausea
- The colon may absorb too much water, and this could lead to an electrolyte imbalance in the blood.
- Colon hydrotherapy is also associated with abnormal heart rhythm and heart failure in rare cases as well.
- Colon therapy can sometimes negatively affect a person’s ability to contract and push out waste matter from his or her body, especially if it is done on a regular basis.
- There is also a risk of contracting an infection if the instruments used in colon hydrotherapy are not sterilized properly, or if the practitioners undertaking the procedure are not certified or experienced enough. Sometimes, the large intestine can get perforated, ruptured, or infected in some places, in which case the life of the patient will be endangered.
- People who suffer from kidney disease, Crohn’s disease, and hemorrhoids should avoid opting for colon hydrotherapy as it can prove to be potentially dangerous to their health.
- Colon cleansing can negatively affect the balance between bacteria and chemicals in the colon, which may interfere with the large intestine’s natural ability to shed dead cells.
- Repeated use of colon hydrotherapy procedures can cause anemia and malnutrition.
As with any medical procedure, it is a good idea to check with a doctor, who will assess your health before giving you the go ahead for a procedure as invasive as colon hydrotherapy.