Natural Remedies for Common Allergies

There is a specific time of the year when allergies and other related problems such as watery eyes, sneezing, and stuffy sinuses are very common. Liberating ourselves from these dreadful symptoms of allergy is something that needs consultation from a health expert because some pharmaceutical products can do more harm than good. Because of the array of side effects that are associated with pharmaceutical products for allergy, natural remedies are now becoming more common.
- Proper and adequate hydration is one natural way that can help you address symptoms of allergy. Water is highly beneficial especially in thinning out mucus and helps to reduce nasal congestion or irritation. To help you reduce the amount of pores and pollens as well as the transfer of these detrimental elements form one host to another; changing clothing and taking a bath immediately after entering the house would be of big help. Vacuum cleaners with HEPA filter feature is also effectual in getting rid of allergens.
- There are also herbs that have been proven to be beneficial in treating allergies. One of the most widely used herbs is the Butterbur (Peasites hybridus). This European herb has shown promising clinical results in giving allergies a remedy when Swiss researchers conducted a study about the herb’s efficacy. What is good about butterbur is that it is very effective (as effective as the commercially prepared antihistamines) but with no side effects. Experts recommend four tablets of Butterbur per day (with an interval of eight hours).
- A simple action like blowing your nose gently on a regular basis is also effective in expelling allergens that are trapped in the mucus and nasal membranes. Individuals who are overly particular with hygiene should also put in mind the importance of nose hairs. The hairs in your nose serves as a natural filter that could trap allergens from the air that we breathe hence, it is very important not to cut your hair nose too short.
- Keeping your immune system strong with the use of probiotics (good bacteria) is also effective in addressing symptoms associated with allergy. Various brands that has Acidophilus, Bifidobacterum lactis, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG are the most essential for those individuals who are very prone to develop allergies. Incorporating unpasteurized and fresh honey as well as local bee pollen in your every day meals can help your immune system create natural antibodies that could combat allergies and pollens that you commonly encounter every day. As what has been mentioned earlier, allergies can sometimes be seasonal, and when season for allergy is about to come, start taking regimens six weeks prior so that your body could develop immunity towards the allergens.
- Being cautious to your diet is also very important. Avoiding mucus-forming foods can help prevent you from developing allergies too. Foods such as wheat, chocolate, eggs, processed foods, and dairy products may trigger allergy hence should be avoided. Foods that has anti-inflammatory effects like walnuts, flax seeds, and hemp seeds are all helpful in preventing mucus build up thus is also a vital regimen for allergy control.
- Nettle (Urtica dioica): Nettle has enjoyed a long history as a treatment for seasonal allergies. Dr. Andrew Weil, author of Natural Health, reports success with this herb to treat his own allergies. Be careful not to confuse this herb with another species, U. Urens, which contains high levels of leukotrienes and histamine.
- Ephedra (Ephedra sinicia): Also known as mahuang, the generic name of this herb may be familiar since a synthetic version of its primary alkaloid, ephedrine, can be found in many conventional remedies as pseudoephedrine. This herb has been used to treat bronchial and inflammatory disorders in Chinese medicine for more than 5,000 years. In fact, ephedra is often used to treat asthma.
Note: Ephedra can raise both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and can cause excitability in some individuals.
- Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea): Also known as purple coneflower, this Native American herb is one of the best immune enhancing supplements you can take. Echinacea has been the subject of more than 50 years worth of study and has clearly demonstrated an ability to increase the production of a number of T-cells and their distribution in the blood.
- Garlic. The antiviral properties of garlic have been well examined for many years. In Russia, the herb is known as “Russian penicillin” where it was once used to treat respiratory disorders in hospitals. Recent Japanese studies have found that aged garlic extract stimulates NK activity and a potent antimicrobial action against bacteria and yeasts. Garlic owes its efficacy to allicin, a byproduct derived from the amino acid alliin reacting with the enzyme alliinase. The biosynthesis of these constituents however, can be unstable in their natural state. Raw garlic is certainly good for you and has several health benefits to offer otherwise, but the enzyme necessary to produce allicin is usually destroyed in the stomach before the conversion can take place. For this reason, enteric-coated tablets of dried or powdered garlic tablets is the best form of supplementation to take advantage of this herb’s immune-boosting qualities. Note: Garlic, and other alliums can raise or lower blood sugar levels. Consult your health care practitioner if you are diabetic or hypoglycemic.