Tired? Check The Thyroid and Adrenal Gland Connection

(BeWellBuzz) If you’ve been feeling consistently drained out, you might have a serious problem at hand – the problem of malfunctioning adrenal and/or thyroid glands. It has often given the name of ‘low metabolic energy’. However, how does low metabolic energy occur and how do the adrenal and thyroid glands come together to contribute to it? Here’s how it all happens.
How are the adrenal and thyroid glands connected?
So, you might say, what’s the connection? While the thyroid gland finds its place in the anterior part of the neck, the adrenals can be found one on top of each kidney. So, the question persists – what’s the connection? The part of the body that connects these two spaced out parts is the brain. When it comes to release of hormones, the same part of the brain controls both the adrenal and thyroid glands.
‘Hypothalamus’ is the name of this part of the brain and it is responsible for sending out hormonal messages to the pituitary gland, also situated inside the brain. From here, the adrenal and thyroid glands receive messages and send feedback in turn. Considering both glands are an intrinsic part of this feedback loop, even a slight malfunction with one of them can cause major problems.
How does a malfunction impact the adrenal and thyroid glands?
Most malfunctions that affect the adrenal and thyroid glands are stress-related. This is how it happens. The moment the body experiences stress, the brain releases what is known as Corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH). Following this release, the adrenal glands receive the signal to produce cortisol. However, in the process, thyroid-stimulating hormone or TSH gets inhibited. That apart, the process that transforms thyroid T4 hormone to T3 hormone malfunctions as well. T3 is required for healthy functioning of the body. As a result, low metabolic energy kicks in.
What is low metabolic energy?
Low metabolic energy constitutes a number of symptoms. These range from general fatigue, memory loss, sleep problems and malfunction of the nervous system to hair loss, bad skin, low sex drive and weak immune system. The condition, however, at its core, is mostly to do with lack of energy. Due to low energy, many of the body’s vital processes slow down considerably. And as a result, overall health suffers.
How can you take care of your adrenal glands?
Stress is supposed to be the biggest enemy of the adrenals. So, anything that’s the exact opposite does a whole world of good to these glands. Doing things that uplift the spirit is a good idea. Relaxing your body is one of the biggest ways you can make sure your adrenals will bless you.
Depending on what your stress levels are, you’ll need to figure out your approach. If chronic stress is your problem, you will have to take action and now. It could mean making a commitment to yourself and taking up support activities like deep breathing and meditation. You could also take up other meditative practices like yoga and Tai Chi.
When it comes to increasing your body’s happiness quotient, a daily dose of exercise could also take you a long way. Go for a run or use the treadmill to do a brisk walk. If not anything, at least go for a walk either in the morning or in the evening. However, like in everything else, moderation is key here too. Too much of physical exercise and your body can again go into stress mode, sparking off the very cycle you’re trying to deter.
What can you do for your thyroid gland?
Just supporting your adrenal glands might not make you completely immune to thyroid issues. One of the first things to do is eat well. Eat foods that are rich in nutrients like Iodine, Selenium and Vitamins A, B, C and E. A multi-vitamin multi-mineral diet can give you the necessary thyroid support you are looking for. However, while you are looking out for nutritional deficiencies, you must also make sure that you don’t go on an overdrive. For example, too much iodine can actually throw thyroid production in a tizzy. While the right foods can be the ultimate blessing for the thyroid, the wrong ones can be a nightmare. Avoid sugar-rich foods as they can trigger stress in the body. Those apart, limit your intake of caffeine.
If stress is bad for the adrenals, it is probably worse for the thyroid. This is because stress sparks a production of cortisol, which in turn inhibits the production of the thyroid hormone. Therefore, every time you’re stressed, thyroid production in the body takes a backbench.
In case you suspect something is wrong with your thyroid gland, get yourself checked. It’s always good to get medical proof before you start fretting.
Food, exercise, relaxation – they all come together to promise better thyroid and adrenal health. One more thing that’s as important or even more is sleep. Try to get your quota of sleep every night. And if that means more than eight hours, go for it. Remember, different people have different sleeping patterns. Set your sleeping pattern and stick to it!
Check out 10 natural ways to recover from depleted adrenals