12 Foods That Make You Fat, Sick and Depressed

Disclaimer: Don’t Freak Out
I hope the title didn’t put you in a bad mood. The good news is that the foodstuffs listed below are easy to avoid once you know what they are. Please don’t be overwhelmed. For the most part, this is really simple. All of the stuff in this list involves products that have been engineered, somehow manipulated or downright invented by man. For some, such as soy or corn, the whole, untreated, unmodified food itself is not evil, but we’ve abused, ie overconsumed them, often without knowing it, because packaged foods are filled with obscene quantities. Our bodies simply weren’t made to consume the volume introduced into our diets via processed food-products.
It’s All in the Processing
The foods that make you fat are not wholesome, organic butter, grass-fed beef or even the occasional fresh, wholesome-made decadent desserts. Foods that make you fat, sick and depressed are filled with chemicals and dangerous free radicals, or else they’ve been stripped of vital nutrients usually with a high glycemic index and propelling you towards insulin resistance (=weight gain and disease). Watch out especially for these, many of which are still touted as healthy:
1. Vegetable Oils such as corn, soy or cottonseed.
These are prominent in packaged foods and highly toxic even before entering the body, as the process of extracting the oils literally creates free radicals before it hits a bottle. Polyunsaturated fats also easily become toxic in the body; whereas most saturated fats do not. Studies show that they significantly increase likelihood of heart disease and morbidity.
2. Low-fat packaged foods that replenish lost flavor from natural fats with high sugar content.
Overconsuming sugar wreaks havoc on your health, causes energy crash, you know the deal. Cut down on sugar by staying away from processed sweets and snacks.
3. Fructose
which is fruit sugar. I’ve had the privilege of enjoying 5-course meals, Italian cuisine, and the meal often begins with a little fruit. Perhaps this is because fruit helps to stimulate appetite? In fact, researchers have found that fructose has no effect on the hunger-signaling hormones, which means it doesn’t help you feel full and satisfied, but may even increase appetite. Eating an apple is one thing; but consuming fructose as an added sugar to processed foods may trick your digestive processes and significantly contribute to weight gain.
4. Corn.
Most corn products in the US are now GMO, and the courts haven’t yet required GMO labeling. Corn also is shown to have a high glycemic load, causing glucose and insulin spikes, contributing to insulin resistance, diabetes, weight gain and disease. Eating some non-GMO corn is probably ok, although most dieticians today are recommending avoidance for weight loss. Nevertheless, our food supply has been inundated with tons of cheap, GMO corn products, and our bodies probably could use a break.
5. Artificial sweeteners.
Studies have shown that artificial sweeteners increase appetite and carb cravings, and encourage fat storage. Can you say, counter-intuitive?
6. Egg substitutes.
These not only rob your eggs of essential nutrients, almost all of which are in the raw yolk, but they may also be hazardous, as the compounds preventing oxidation (toxicity/damage) are separated out and the leftover, pasteurized egg whites are highly susceptible and more likely to create free radicals in your body.
7. Protein/Energy bars.
There are a few exceptions as new, organic, smarter products are entering the scene; but 99% of what you’ll find in the typical bar-aisle is glorified candy filled with artificial additives and/or high sugar, cheap forms of protein such as from soy (often GMO), fructose, and negligible amounts of vitamins and minerals. Most of these should be avoided outright.
8. High sugar or artificially sweetened/flavored sports drinks.
Nuff said.
9. Table salt.
This is a manufactured product that no longer resembles the mineral-rich crystals that come from the sea or the Himalayas. Makers take natural salt and heat it to an insane 1200°F, killing off just about all of its minerals. It’s then processed with synthetic chemicals such anti- caking agents, bleach, sometimes MSG or other flavorants. It’s not only unhealthy, but potentially toxic. Try Himalayan, Celtic or organic sea salt.
10. Margarine/Butter substitutes.
They not only cause atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), but they also tend to promote fat and weight gain. Margarine is made from veggie oils, ie polyunsaturated fats, which studies show are linked to an increased risk of certain cancers as well as heart disease. Eat real butter or enjoy healthy saturated fat from organic, raw/cold pressed coconut oil.
11. Canned foods containing BPA
A toxic chemical used as a preservative.
12. Unfermented soy products
Sometimes called “textured plant protein” in ingredients lists, among other aliases. The danger is most urgently because an estimated 90% of soybeans are genetically modified (GMO), as well as heavily treated with toxic herbicides, particularly carcinogenic glyphosphate. Secondly, unfermented soybeans contain high concentrations of “antinutrients.” The Japanese typically consume fermented soy products, such as tempeh, miso and natto, and consume unfermented soy in very small amounts. There is no Japanese dish that includes a plate-full of tofu as a meat sub.
Science Daily, Artificial Sweeteners Linked to Weight Gain
Dr. Robert J. Rowen’s Second Opinion Health Alert, Are Egg Substitutes Better Than Whole Eggs?
Dr. Mercola, Americans Are Delusional About Healthy Eating
Global Healing Center, The Health Dangers of Salt