16 Superfoods You SHOULD Know About! (Part 3)

In the concluding part of this series, we will complete the superfoods list with another 6 superfoods that can make a difference to our lives by making us healthy and free from disease. Learn how these superfoods fight aging and give you a shot at good health, all contributing to a better quality of life. The earlier parts of this series showed us that superfoods do not possess just a single nutrient, but many. They offer us many benefits at the same time so in effect you get more nutrition with lesser amount of food that you eat. The earlier parts also explained why we should eat superfoods. They are nutrient rich and help in flushing out toxins more frequently, leaving you with a healthy body. Superfoods are also known for their role in keeping weight under control and for helping us become healthy without relying on inactive vitamins and mineral supplements.
11. Camu Camu Berry
If you thought that tanking up on Vitamin C will keep colds away, you’re right. But don’t rely on just citrus fruits for this. Take a look at the Camu Camu berry, which can be found in the South American rainforests. This berry contains the highest amount of Vitamin C in any botanical source and you might be surprised to learn that while a lemon can contain 0.5 percent Vitamin C, the Camu Camu berry contains up to 4 percent! A huge leap indeed. The Camu Camu berry is not just full of Vitamin C but also contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. Amino acids such as leucine, serine and valine are also present in this excellent superfood. Other vitamins that are also found in the Camu Camu are thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Here are some of the benefits of the Camu Camu berry:
- The huge amount of Vitamin C content ensures that your immune system works in top condition
- Helps improve eyesight considerably
- Great for the skin
- Keeps away colds and other viral infections
- Keeps your tendons, collagen and ligaments strong
- Helps in keeping your lungs healthy
- Works at reducing inflammation considerably
- Regular consumption of Camu Camu helps you keep your cool in stressful times
- Helps in keeping organs like eyes, brain, heart, skin and liver in good working condition
The Camu Camu berry is available as a dried powder which can be used in various ways. You can mix it with water to make an instant health drink or add it to juices and smoothies. The Camu Camu berry powder is tangy and flavorful so it’s a pleasure to consume it. Do note that excessive consumption could lead to diarrhea also.
12. Noni
This Polynesian fruit has been in the news for quite some time and all for the best possible reasons. People the world over have started acknowledging the benefits of the noni fruit and researchers are giving it the status of superfood. The noni fruit has a strong smell and taste and is not palatable at first, but it takes a bit of getting used to. However, regardless of its taste, the noni is one of the most wonderful gifts of nature as it is power packed with nutrients that can fight numerous diseases and has loads of other benefits for you as well:
- Noni is rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals effectively, keeping you younger and healthier
- Other compounds such as selenium help in keeping the skin glowing, fresh and healthy
- Then there’s xeronine which works wonders for your cell structure and helps in cell regeneration
- Glycosides fight free radicals while scopoletin has anti-inflammatory properties
- An exciting new study shows that noni helps stimulate the white blood cells and kick starts the immune system to work effectively
Noni can be consumed fresh although noni juice gained popularity recently. Of course, some of its efficacy is compromised when mixed with sugar, so if you happen to visit tropical islands make sure to blend the noni fruit with coconut water and chug it down because it’s an excellent and tasty way of consuming noni. Noni powders are also available that can be mixed with juices and smoothies. Noni leaves are also consumed in the form of tea.
13. Bee Pollen
Bee products are slowly gaining a wide acceptance in the world of nutrition and people are waking up to the fact that bee products are natural and wholesome superfoods. A relatively unknown bee product is bee pollen which has become hugely popular for the numerous health benefits it offers.
- One thing common to all superfoods is the antioxidant levels which are really high in bee pollen. These antioxidants help you lead a healthier and longer life.
- Bee pollen is renowned to be an excellent aphrodisiac and is known to increase sexual health
- If you are low on stamina, try bee pollen as it helps you bounce back faster after exercise and lets you increase your performance levels
- Those suffering from allergies should be relieved to know that bee pollen lowers histamine production which is the key cause of allergies
- There are lots of B vitamins in bee pollen that works wonders for your skin and prevents wrinkling and aging
- Bee pollen is also great for those who are suffering from Type 2 diabetes because it restores mineral and metabolic deficiencies
- Bee pollen is also known to help those who have colitis, constipation, anemia and bronchitis
- Bee pollen has an astonishing number of vitamins – eighteen in all, fourteen fatty acids and is 15% lecithin
- Bee pollen actually has more protein than meat, eggs or cheese.
14. Propolis
Propolis is a resin that bees collect from tree bark and use it in the honeycomb as a sort of veneer or glue, which filled up cracks and helped create doorways. What’s amazing is that propolis is actually a nutrient packed superfood that people are recognizing now for its amazing disease-fighting powers. It’s as good as penicillin, only better. If that’s confusing, read on:
- Propolis is antibacterial, antifungal and a completely natural antibiotic that does not produce unfavorable side effects
- It is packed with flavonoids which help in healing wounds faster and better. In fact when it is applied topically, it fights all sorts of bacteria and microorganisms
- Propolis contains minerals, amino acids, fats, vitamin E, C , provitamin A and B complex
- The bioflavonoids in propolis are extremely useful in repairing the blood vessels and making capillaries stronger
- Studies have indicated that propolis was one of the ways in which mouth ulcer could be controlled
- Research has shown that propolis helps in the treatment of arthritis, asthma and various other allergies
- It’s also interesting to learn that propolis works against MRSA, the bacteria that actually resists antibiotics and causes danger to many patients
15. Raw Honey
By honey, we don’t mean the supermarket variety that you normally use to drizzle over toast or pancakes. Have you ever considered the differences in that honey and raw, organic honey? The top most one is that the latter is a superfood, recognized the world over for its immense healing and beneficial properties. One doesn’t need an introduction to honey. We’ve been brought up on it. But you need to know that raw honey is indeed special and has some benefits that you were probably unaware of. For instance, did you know that:
- Raw unprocessed honey is the richest source of live, healing enzymes which go a long way in sharpening your IQ and making you more mentally alert
- Honey has medicinal benefits and can be used to heal wounds as well
- Honey can help people suffering from diarrhea, infections, gastrointestinal problems and various other ailments by alleviating their symptoms greatly
- Honey is easily digestible and is a great energy boost for the body
When buying honey, look for raw and organic honey that has not been processed and is stored in glass jars.
16. Royal Jelly
Here’s another little-known bee product that has gained the status of superfood in recent times. Royal jelly is a thick, milky substance that is secreted from the pharyngeal glands of a special group of nurse bees. Bees that are earmarked for becoming queen bees are fed with royal jelly while worker bees are fed with only pollen and honey. While this bit of information is fascinating for those interested in apiculture, what is more enticing is that royal jelly is an excellent source of nutrition and offers great benefits to us as well. Here’s how it can help:
- Royal jelly contains B5 and other B vitamins as well as amino acids and a host of minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and manganese.
- Royal jelly gives a burst of energy. It’s like caffeine without the flip side
- It contains a good amount of pantothenic acid and has an ideal combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
- Acetylcholine is an important fluid that is required for the proper functioning of nerve impulses between nerve fibers and this helps in thinking properly. Royal jelly is a rich source of acetylcholine and even helps those suffering from Alzheimer’s
- Helps in the treatment of glandular and hormonal disorders
- Prevents atherosclerosis and fights heart diseases as well
- Research with cancer cells has shown that royal jelly has a significant effect upon them, particularly in reducing them, truly making it an amazing superfood
Royal jelly is available as a variety of products be it capsules, tablets or powder. But you can also get fresh royal jelly by purchasing it from beekeepers who collect it directly from the bee hives. Royal jelly is also recognized for its cosmetic properties like removing wrinkles and keeping the skin rejuvenated and young. Everyday scientists and researchers are throwing more light on hitherto unknown superfoods, making us realize that we have a veritable treasure trove when it comes to health giving foods. We only need to learn how to derive the maximum benefit from them.
If you missed the other parts here are the links:
16 Superfoods You SHOULD Know About! (Part 1)
16 Superfoods You SHOULD Know About! (Part 2)