Science of Re-programming Your DNA and Language of Genes

Russian scientists have played it smarter than their Western contemporaries when it comes to DNA, or so is the claim of Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf in their article on The two reported that Western folk made a sad assumption claiming only 10% of human genes are functional and important, but named the remaining 90% “junk DNA.”
That assumption is historically credited to Susumu Ohno, a geneticist of Japanese descent, born in Korea, who received a Ph.D. in veterinary science at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, followed by a Ph.D. and D.Sc. from Hokkaido University. In 1951 he became an American citizen and in 1972 Ohno wrote the article, So Much ‘Junk DNA‘ in our Genome.
In fact, the seemingly useless DNA that scientists can scarcely explain make up not 90% but 95-98% of the genome, leaving us with at least 2% purposeful DNA.
Most scientists no longer consider this labeling to be valid, but have recognized that nature has not proven to be so wasteful.
The human DNA isn’t filled with junk. We just haven’t been able to comprehend it.
On/Off Switches
In August of this year a study conducted through the Gene and Stem Cell Therapy Program at Sydney’s Centenary Institute reported that at least part of the function of non-coding DNA (previously known as “junk”) is regulatory. Referred to as introns, these genetic materials don’t contain code to build proteins but control the expression of genes that do.
Researchers observed that when introns were retained instead of spliced out from the mRNA
transcription, protein construction sometimes stopped altogether. Intron retention, then, appears to be a biological means to control the activity of genes. They act as switches to turn genes on or off, or, as Ian Sample of the Encode project adds, “they may act like volume controls, turning a gene up and turning a gene down a little bit.”
ScienceDaily reported:
“This discovery, involving what was previously referred to as “junk,” opens up a new level of gene expression control that could also play a role in the development of many other tissue types,” Rasko [researcher] says. “Our observations were quite surprising and they open entirely new avenues for potential treatments in diverse diseases including cancers and leukemias.”
Encode Project
Encode is an international project launched by The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in 2003. The name is code for ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements. The purpose of the project is to identify all of the functional elements within the human genome.
The project has affirmed that the 20,000 protein-coding genes originally mapped out in the year-2000 are really just following orders.
Yet, inside the previously named junk DNA 10,000 new “genes” have been identified. These bits of genetic material contain code for components that control the 3% of the DNA we know and love. Researchers believe that as much as 18% of our DNA sequence is modulating less than 2% of our DNA. Finally disproving the junk DNA theory, Encode has identified a biochemical function in 80% of the DNA sequence.
The Encode experts are enthusiastic that this greater understanding of genetic processes will lead to treatments for diseases including heart disease, diabetes and Crohn’s disease, which are partly caused by genetic “glitches.” In recent history researchers have only looked at the bad handwriting, so to speak, noting the mutations or faulty instructions on the genes. Now their sights are set on the hidden “writers” higher up on the DNA chain causing those glitches. If they can get a hold of those, some believe they’ll be able to nip disease processes before they start.
While the many hundreds of researchers from around the world joined forces to study the human genome through the Encode project, researchers in Russia began their own adventures back in 1990. A team led by Dr. Pjotr Garjajev has been thinking down a different path.
Rather than focus solely on the physical, material aspects of DNA, Garjajev examines also the subtle. He distinguishes between these two aspects as:
- Material substance
- Energy informational (EI) substance
On EI substance Garjajev wrote in a 2009 issue of DNA Monthly:
“the key property which distinguishes EI substance, and the corresponding EI field, from all substances and fields known in today’s physics is omnipresence. In other words, EI substance is present simultaneously at each point in space of our three-dimensional material world. This means, importantly, that the distance between EI substances of any two material objects in our three-dimensional world is always zero, no matter how far they are located physically from one another.”
He went on to say that “the EI level is the primary level of existence.” Thus, the once-named junk DNA actually contains “supercodes” that function at a superior level. Garjajev calls this the “wave level.”
DNA Speaks
Garjajev has included a unique bunch of researchers in his efforts to understand DNA: bio physicists, molecular biologists, embryologists and even linguistic experts.
Linguistic experts? Well of course. Live DNA speaks.
High level language is named such because it’s far more complex than, say, dancing bees or dogs barking. Human language is filled with variations and forms.
It’s now conceivable that languages were not a human invention. That is, they didn’t come out of the air. We didn’t originate language forms comprised of letters, phrases and sentences. They were first patterned deep within us, swelling up and out of our mouths from our DNA.
Garjajev points out that our DNA employs all of the elements of complex language, which are alphabet, correct spelling, grammar, syntax, semantics and intent or purpose. Furthermore, the coding contains homonyms, words that are spelled and pronounced identically but whose meanings depend upon the context. This indicates what he calls a “quasi-intelligence;” namely, that our DNA can make decisions, assessing the context of a code word in order to interpret the instruction.
Mind you, if one word is changed or misunderstood the instruction may be mutated and the gene will perform errantly.
Michael L. Behe is a biochemist, professor, author and intelligent design advocate. In his book, Darwin’s Black Box, Behe supports this idea that a genetic mutation is a simple foul up in communication:
“So instead of saying, «Take a 1/4-inch nut,» a mutation might say, «Take a 3/8-inch nut.» … » Or instead of «Attach the seat to the top of the engine,» we might get «Attach the seat to the handlebars» … What a mutation cannot do is change all the instructions in one step—say, to build a fax machine instead of a radio.”
On the one hand, this helps to explain genetic mutations that cause deformity and disease. On the other, the team in Russia believes it’s the key to genetic reprogramming. In this case, a disease protocol/ mutated instruction may be usurped by superimposing the code of a healthy gene with the correct instruction.
Speak to the Strands
Numerous articles have been written proclaiming that Garjajev’s research confirms positive affirmations as having the power to reprogram DNA. Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf, whom we mentioned earlier, have been quoted and re-quoted:
“Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained. Of course the frequency has to be correct. And this is why not everybody is equally successful or can do it with always the same strength. The individual person must work on the inner processes and maturity in order to establish a conscious communication with the DNA.”
I personally believe in the power of our words to affect us at a cellular level, but have been unable to find any documentation that Garjajev or other geneticists have confirmed this, nor have I found any information on his opinion concerning “the inner processes and maturity.”
The amazing experiment which he has documented involves lasers. Rather than butchering DNA sequences with cutting and pasting, a practice Fosar and Bludorf attribute exclusively to Western scientists, Garjajev and friends pointed a loaded laser light ray.
Laser-Code Rebuilds Pancreas
To test it out, researchers injected alloxan into lab rats, a substance that destroys the pancreas and kills the host. But earlier a quantum bio-computer had read the genetic code off a healthy pancreas and transmitted it onto a laser light. Just when the rats fell critically ill scientists exposed them to the laser.
As Garjajev explains it,
“the…healthy pancreas contained ‘DNA movies’ with all the necessary information about the healthy form and function of the pancreas. This projectable ‘morphogenic’ information, when beamed into the poisoned rats, programmed their stem cells to regenerate their pancreas glands.”
90% of the rats were fully restored to health. What’s more, a specially programmed laser beam was effective at a distance of 20km.
The Implications
While all of this is thrilling, the Russian researcher is slow to jump. “With our present accepted understanding of genetics, we cannot cure cancer, we cannot resist AIDS…” He speaks discouragingly of transgenics, noting the failure of cloning and the dangers of food engineering.
Garjajev cautions that we should not race to use the little we know to cut and paste and make our own versions of life; but is encouraged that wave genetics, utilizing lasers carrying whole and un-manipulated genetic information, has the power to superimpose health over un-health, ease over dis-ease, or correct cellular regeneration over the mutated and diseased.
Meanwhile, most of us can probably say from experience that repeating negative thoughts and words over time will bear themselves in our bodies, and manifest negativity in our lives. Conversely, speaking life and truth over ourselves and the people around us seems to hold the power to reverse the curse. While science is figuring it, we might just observe the ancient adage, Death and life are in the power of the tongue.
Speak life.