How To Poop Properly and Eliminate Constipation

We all do it but only few really talk about it. I’m referring to bowel movements. Proper pooping can eliminate many health problems, and especially one that every 5th American suffers from. I’m talking about constipation. This problem can be caused by our diet, lack of water, and also by not properly sitting while you poop.
Did you know that you are not supposed to sit on the toilet to defecate? Many studies confirmed that squatting is much more effective than sitting on the toilet, causes less strain on the bowel, and can also protect you from colon cancer.
This week Shawn Stevenson talks about this specific topic.
You might be surprised with what you hear. The modern day toilet is convenient, but definitely not perfect. While sitting to do our business may be sold to us as civilized, this small change in the way we clear our bodies of waste and toxins has brought on a number of health problems that plague us today.
Have you been pooping properly? Listen to this podcast and find out.
And don’t forget to share this podcast.
When you listen to the podcast below you’ll discover:
- Appropriate pooping position.
- Sitting vs squatting.
- 6 health dangers that can be caused by wrong sitting position.
- Why most people are constipated.
- What can cause blood in your stool?
- Why squatting is more natural for the body.
- What causes hemorrhoids and how to treat it.
- Contributing factors to colon cancer.
- What is diverticulosis of colon?
- What can cause prolapse.
- Tools to eliminate constipation.
- What is squatty potty?
- And much more.
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Poop better with the Squatty Potty <– Click to learn more