Epsom Salt Benefits

Bath salts offer many added benefits to a regular bath.
These special salts aid in the healing of dry skin by opening the pores to purify the skin, cleansing away dirt, sweat and toxins.
The addition of salts to a bath can also in improving the skin’s resistance to allergic factors, soothes insect bites, minor rashes and even calluses. Also, bath salt has been proven effective in treating some serious cases that are induced by pathogenic factors like athlete’s foot, psoriasis and eczema.
Aromatherapy bath salts, or simply salts infused with essential oils, offer the added benefit of aromatherapy. Pleasant scents have been shown to promote relaxation. And depending on the type of essential oils used, an aromatherapy bath salt can also provide other healing properties.
One popular bath salt is Epsom salt, which is good for exfoliation. But that’s not the only benefit that you can achieve by using Epsom salt.
A lot of people have been found to suffer from magnesium deficiency. This nutrient deficiency accounts for the high rates of heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis, digestive ailments, stress-related illnesses, chronic fatigue and other diseases.
Recent studies show
Studies show that magnesium isn’t easily absorbed by ingestion of foods, drugs or supplements. However, soaking in a bath with Epsom salt has shown to give a great magnesium boost.
Epsom salt, known scientifically as hydrated magnesium sulfate, is rich in both magnesium and sulfate, both of which can be poorly absorbed through the stomach but are easily absorbed through the skin.
Sulfates also play an important role in the body as they help with the formation of brain tissue, joint proteins and proteins that line the walls of the digestive tract. Sulfates also help detoxify the body.
Epsom salt baths are also part of cancer treatment programs. Epsom salt baths help neutralize toxins by assisting the body’s elimination of them through the skin as well as relieving tired nerves.
Along with this bath, drinking diaphoretic teas, which induce perspiration, like elder, yarrow, peppermint, boneset or ginger also helps eliminate toxins. Pyrogens, which raise body temperature, are also released which helps enhance resistance, strengthen the immune system and stimulate phagocytosis, which helps get rid of harmful bacteria. A hot Epsom salt bath is also known to increase heart rate, respiration, metabolism and circulation.
Adding essential oils to an Epsom salt bath also adds the benefits of aromatherapy. Lavender oil is a favorite for most people, with tangerine and rosemary also being highly recommended, especially for morning baths. These three essential oils possess anticancer activity and the Epsom salt can be a simple but effective way to employ the aromatics.
To reap all the benefits from your aromatherapy bath salt-enhanced bath simply add 2 cups of Epsom salt and 10 to 20 drops of your choice of essential oil to a tub of hot water (106 to 108 degrees Fahrenheit). Soak in the bath until your body reaches 101 degrees, which should take around 15 to 20 minutes.
However, Epsom salt baths aren’t for everyone. It’s not recommended for anyone with low blood cell count, pregnant women and people suffering from several other health concerns. Before going through a regular routine of using Epsom salt baths, do consult with your doctor.
Recommended Epsom Salts here
Source: http://www.aromatherapy-at-home.com/aromatherapy-blog.html