What is Calendula?

Calendula or also known as pot marigold is one of the easiest flowers to grow because of its capability to tolerate extreme temperatures and climate.  Aside from that, the plant can also grow in ordinary soil however, like any other plants, it does need sunlight to grow.

Calendula is a plant that must be included in your garden because aside from the fact that its flower is very beautiful, it can also help repel insects above the ground. Its roots on the other hand could drive nematodes away hence; it can be utilized as a border plant which is a good alternative for chemical insect sprays.

Calendula is one plant that can offer wide array of health benefits. One of its chief contributions to health is the fact that it can be made in to a tea that could soothe your gastrointestinal tract therefore, can address gastrointestinal problems. The plant can also be used as a treatment for skin injuries.

Calendula is also one of the mainstay ingredients in soap making. Compared to other herbal additives, pot marigold (calendula) retains its color and will never turn black or brown. The process of incorporating calendula plant in to soaps is very simple. All you have to do is to incorporate 1 tablespoon of petal extract and just enough oil to cover. Then you will just have to stir in the petal-oil mixture throughout your soap batch.

Vital uses of calendula or pot marigold are the following:

  • Ear Infections

Otitis media is an ear infection common to children. Based on statistics, when a child reaches the age of seven, they have already experienced at least one incidence of ear infection in their lifetime. According to the University of Maryland, ear drops that have calendula content were proven to be effectual in treating pain associated to ear infections in children.

  • Radiation-Induced Dermatitis

Although radiation is one promising therapy utilized by people with cancer, it has detrimental effects on the skin because it could cause dermatitis (skin inflammation accompanied by itching and rash). A meta-analysis conducted in the year 2009 showed that application of topical calendula could help address and prevent dermatitis brought about by radiation making it beneficial for people who are regularly receiving radiation treatments. If you are interested in using the cream, it is wise if you will seek your oncologist’s advice for proper guidance.

  • Skin Injuries

Calendula also contains healing properties that can help treat cuts, burns, and bruises. At present, there are calendula products in the form of tinctures, washes, and ointments to make it easier for you to grasp the healing benefits of the wonder plant. Despite the fact that the mechanism of action of calendula is not yet fully known, its capability to help blood circulation can enhance collagen production thereby could facilitate the healing process of the injured skin tissues.

With all these health benefits that calendula plant could offer, it is one promising plant that we can further utilized in the future.






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