Aromatherapy Recipes For Your Home

(BeWellBuzz) Your choice of home cleaning products can have a strong bearing on your family’s health. Commercial home cleaning products, which contain ingredients such as ammonia, sodium benzoate, and phosphate, can make the immune system weak, cause skin problems, and precipitate asthma attacks. With so many real dangers associated with commercial cleaning products, it is recommended that you replace them with home cleaners.
Preparing household cleaners is not difficult or time consuming. Household cleaning solutions are not only safe, but are also less expensive than commercial ones, especially if you prepare them in bulk. Here are a few recipes for aromatic, non-toxic household cleaners.
1. Citrus Scrubber
Materials you require for producing 1 cup:
- ½ cup borax powder and baking soda, or 1 cup calcium carbonate cleanser
- ½ to 1 tablespoon lemon, grapefruit, and orange essential oil each
You can use the solution for cleaning stubborn strains and dirt in your bathroom, sinks, and kitchen. Calcium carbonate cleaners and a combination of borax and baking soda have great cleaning capabilities. The presence of essential oils ensures a long-lasting pleasant odor.
How to prepare:
Pour the selected base in a bowl and add essential oil to it. Mix the ingredients with a fork for a few minutes.
Wear hand gloves to protect your hands.
2. Herb Soap
Materials you require for producing half a cup:
- ½ cup Murphy’s oil soap paste. It will serve as the base of this herb soap concentrate. You can get the soap paste from a hardware store.
- 1 tablespoon lemon essential oil or any other essential oil. If you want, you can use more than one type of essential oil
The aforementioned concentrate is used for cleaning wood materials such as:
- Wood flooring. Soak a mop in a solution containing the concentrate and then use it to clean the wood flooring. Once the wood flooring is cleaned, apply a little essential oil on it and rub the flooring with a soft cloth.
- Wood furniture and other wood materials. In case your wood furniture and other wood materials are finished with Varnish or Shellac, you should use only a lamb-wool duster to clean them. The procedure is the same as listed above – soak the cleaning cloth in the solution containing the soap concentrate, and then apply a few drops of the essential oil on the wood material and rub it with a soft cloth.
How to prepare:
Pour the soap paste in a glass bowl, and then pour a tablespoon of essential oil over it. Stir the mixture using a fork or a stainless steel spoon.
Use hand gloves to protect your hands
3. Disinfectant Air Freshener
Materials you require to prepare 1 ½ cups:
- 4 drops white thyme oil
- 6 drops tea tree oil
- 2 tablespoons 190-proof alcohol
- 8 drops clove oil
- Distilled or filtered water
The solution is used to remove bad odors from air and to disinfect it.
How to prepare:
Pour 2 tablespoons of alcohol in a bowl and add the essential oils to it. Next, store the combination in a bottle with a sprayer.
When using this solution, ensure that you do not spray it in the direction of people. Alcohol, as you may know, may cause irritation, especially if it gets in the eyes.
4. Minty Fresh Sachet Blend
Materials required for preparing 2 ½ quarts:
- 1 cup patchouli leaves (you can use sandalwood instead if your budget permits it)
- 4 cups lavender flowers
- 2 cups rosemary leaves
- 2 cups peppermint leaves
- ½ cup whole cloves
- ¼ cup thyme leaves
- 10 drops white camphor oil
- 20 drops peppermint oil
- 5 drops clove oil
You should keep this air freshener in closets and drawers. The blend will make your clothes smell minty and fresh.
How to prepare:
Dry the herbs completely, and then powder them or chop them finely. Mix the herbs in a bowl. Pour all the essential oils in the bowl, and stir the combination for a couple of minutes. Next, put the mix in a jar and let it age for a few weeks. Finally, place the blend in sachets.
Ensure that the lid of the jar in which you place the mix to age is completely secured and keep the jar in a cool, dry place.