Dying To Be Me – Anita Moorjani

Imagine you step into the doctors office, your heart is beating harder than it ever has. You’re waiting for the doctor to give you the results of a lump that was tested for cancer.
Each second seems to pass as if it’s an hour…
Then the words are spoken:
“I’m sorry, you have cancer”
Those words pierce through you to the core of your being and the journey to death and then rebirth begins.
This is what happened to Anita Moorjani, who actually died from her cancer and came back, and was miraculously healed in just weeks. Gifted with many lessons from the other side, she shares her story in her book “Dying To Be Me”.
Are you living the life you were born to live?
Are you struggling, in fear, not being YOU?
Anita Moorjani gives an inspired talk in Sedona, AZ in the video below.
Feel Inspired? Don’t forget to share this important video and let us know what you thought of his talk below.