Deepak Chopra Confirms This Is The Future Of Healthcare!

The Natural Health Revolution Is Upon Us!
As we look to the future we must answer the question of what will fix our broken healthcare system (it’s really pronounced – say it with me: “the SICK CARE system”).
Built on a framework of profits at our expense it was really a matter of time before it collapsed under the weight of it’s broken promises.
Many forward thinkers, us included, see a growing trend towards people seeking help between doctor visits from those who have expertise in natural health and wellness. We believe that these natural health coaches will be the catalyst that will transform our healthcare system.
5 Reasons Why The Future Of Healthcare Depends On Coaches:
- Because health conditions are created by poor diet and lifestyle choices. Health coaches can empower clients to make more informed decisions and stay on track.
- Every day more people are becoming aware that our current system is flawed and are looking for alternatives for help. Qualified and Informed health coaches will be in high demand as we reach the tipping point of this revolution.
- Money interests do not influence their decisions to steer clients one way or another. Their motivational factor is to make sure you stay healthy. They are partners on the road to optimal health!
- When more people are healthy and making informed lifestyle choices money starts to flow to those things that reinforce health. Currently money flows to support our broken sick care system.
- Families and communities are affected because new habits get shared and lifestyle choices are adopted.
The Most Important Part Of The Health Coach Revolution
Those who decide to be health coaches MUST go to the right school so they provide a balanced approach to their clients. This approach sees each person as an individual, dogmatic thinking is removed and substituted by genuine understanding of what it takes to get the person they are working with to a state of optimal health.
Few schools provide that sort of training. There is one that we have found time and time again delivers graduates that simply “get it”.
That schools is the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) in New York, which was founded 20 years ago by Joshua Rosenthal. We highly recommend it for many reasons…
Watch the video below and you’ll understand why.
The Institute for Integrative Nutrition Story
If you have a passion for health and helping others we encourage you to learn more! Imagine being part of a movement that is about to sweep through and change the health world as we know it. Be the future of healthcare NOW!