Who are you Be-ing

Negative thoughts come to us every day, but do you recognize them? Have you become so familiar with the negative that you live with those destructive thoughts, possibly for your lifetime?
It isn’t about eliminating the negatives so we never experience them again — that’s not realistic. Managing negativity can’t happen until we recognize it and how we indulge in it or reject it. Here are a few examples:
• Replaying past events as though they’re still happening — this only stimulates more negative emotions in the present.
• Unproductive self-criticism or criticism from people around us.
• Living with low self-respect and low self-esteem.
• Valuing what others are doing more than what you’re doing.
• Using the superlative words “always” and “never,” which closes our minds to possibility that one day I “could” be different.
• Accepting negative “humour” or comments as fact instead of seeing them as someone else’s worthless opinion.
• Stating speculations as though they’re facts.
• Living with “shoulds” instead of “coulds.”
Feeding negativity is a learned habit. Instead, here are a few ways to reject it:
- Acknowledge we engage in it and choose to start thinking and doing things differently.
- Ask if our attitude, words, and actions are taking us in a positive direction.
- Acknowledge what we feel, why we feel it, and then consider what we can do.
- When there is legitimately a negative situation, don’t deny and keep quiet about what we really feel and see to not “be negative”.
- Identify what we really want to believe about our self.
- Believe in our personal power, and our right to live from it.
- Learn to respond more often than we react. Reactions happen when we feel events or others have more power over us than we do.
If our “thought diet” is negativity on a consistent basis, it can seem nearly impossible to feel we have personal power. That is how I saw my life when I was diagnosed with cancer. I had to change my beliefs about life and my situation for my healing to be released.
Anthony Robbins said, “I’ve come to believe that all my past failure and frustrations were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.”
Look at how much time you gave to negative thoughts, feelings, words, and actions and the negative way these thoughts caused you to be. Then ask yourself if it was a constructive use of your time.
Living is a state of “Be-ing”. It is a daily “Becoming” — a conscious choosing -– being aware of attitudes and responses one moment and one action at a time. It is choosing to be grateful, to find the good, to see the potential, to be the life enricher! The more we do this, the more our power expands. Who are we “Be-ing?” Who are we “Be-coming”? The choice is yours!