Oceans Alive
Larry & Oksana Ostrovsky, founders of BeWellBuzz, are Life Upgrade Coaches committed to helping you navigate through the latest natural health and personal development information to a destination of optimal wellness. The goal of this site is to be a catalyst in creating and spreading the Buzz, dispelling dangerous myths, society norms and helping you elevate your spirit, do more, live better, and think deeper one day at a time.
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ScienceDaily (Mar. 28, 2011) — A new scientific study positions walnuts in the number one slot among a family of foods that lay claim to being among Mother Nature’s most nearly perfect packaged foods: Tree and ground nuts. In a report given in Anahe…
No one starts off on a trip planning to turn back if they meet road works. We don’t wait…
(BeWellBuzz) Blood is the most important constituent of the human body. Blood supplies oxygen to the cells, transports nutrients,…
Have you noticed… I mean REALLY noticed that most “Health Practitioners” and “Health Care Professionals” are ridiculously out-of-shape? I…
Physical activity is widely regarded as one of the most beneficial methods of keeping your weight down, getting your…
Maple Water – Could it be the bigger and better brother of Coconut water? After lots of studies, claims,…