The Lies We Believe That Are Destroying Our Health

If calculations go right, by now you have digested and are feeling comfortable with the info provided in the last installment of the lies we believe destroying our health; so welcome to the second (and last) installment that will take you several steps ahead towards a better, healthier life.
If you haven’t seen part 1, check it out –>> 5 Health Destroying Lies You’ve Been Fooled To Believe
Now, lets continue on …
Calorie Restriction Increases Lifespan
So far experiments have shown intermittent fasting has proved beneficial – a couple hairs better than constant calorie restriction. But choosing between undernutrition and malnutrition is more like asking to choose between AC and DC to the person on the electric chair. The truth is: It proved good only for animal subjects with cancer and showed to extend their overall lifespan by about 30% and reasonably reduced insulin resistance. But to a healthy individual, this will only help the intestinal candida convert into its mycelial/hyphal form and trigger many anomalies along different body channels. You are lucky if it’s a digestive disrupt tout de suite; however, “bad” is when you run clueless on gradual weight loss (the elevated cortisol breaks down muscle and bone mass due to the body not being able to cope with stress levels anymore due to under-/malnutrition – but Candida is a whole different subject to cover); worse it, shall we say obesity and, potentially, cancer – also, addictions and eye and dental problems. The worst is when your sexual gusto goes too!
For more information regarding intermittent-fasting, lifestyle options, and health benefits check out –>> 8 Things You Need To Know About Intermittent Fasting
Artificial Sweeteners Keep Diabetes and Weight-Gain Away
This will make a lot of people want to murder the “pushers” of high-intensity, artificial sweeteners (aspartame, saccharin and sucralose) – and here’s why:
The relationship between glucose and energy homeostasis is a complex one, so it’s highly unlikely that it will have a simple solution. Homeostasis is incredibly important; it is a process that maintains the stability of the human body’s internal environment, keeping it stable and relatively constant. Important, right? All artificial sweeteners arrange for a grand wrecking party on your body’s homeostasis! Instead of reducing the risk for potential consequences, they elevate the risk. So weight gain and other metabolic syndromes – including type 2 diabetes – get worse, cardiovascular diseases show up and further disorients the normal metabolism.
For more details, check out the study on metabolic derangement caused by artificial sweeteners by Susan E. Swithers email in American Journal of Public Health.
“Oh Boy, It’s Soy!”
The abundance of soy is the result of brilliant marketing strategies and millions got fooled. The lies we believe are perhaps a move to keep the world population under control? Or else, why would they not praise properly-fermented, organic soy and told us the chunks are good? Tempeh, miso and natto are packed with probiotics and that’s good from time to time; unfermented soy raises estrogen levels and too much of it is bad for women, and obviously, men too! The dreaded breast cancer is one of its effects, others are problems occur during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In men, it brings brain damage (and related cognitive impairments), heart diseases and reproductive disorders (e.g. a low sperm count). Thyroid and immune disorders, kidney stones, food allergies, digestive problems and malnutrition affect both men and women. But the most dreadful is perhaps that it induces cognitive abnormalities in infants, impairing normal development.
A must see video further discussing soy and the true dangers of its consumption:
Whole Grain: It’s Good For the Brain
The Lies we believe tell us, whole grain is good … but not for the brain. It’s good for developing spikes in insulin and leptin levels and elevating your risks for chronic diseases. Oftentimes, an insulin/leptin resistance shows up as high blood pressure and frightening cholesterol ratios; resulting in your health provider pushing statins which do you worse.
Also, don’t forget gluten and its sub-clinical intolerance and the pranks they play on the body. It triggers a lot of allergies and sensitivities, which are actually bad for the brain and a lot of other organs.
Now, to the grand finale!
Hygiene: The Civilized Human’s Hallmark
Maybe a “civilized human’s goal”, but for that, one would need a world completely free from pathogenic microbes and ultramicroscopic infectious agents which commonly refer to as “viruses.”
As a child I was playing in the dirt all the time, was actually eating charcoal (guess my body was craving some minerals), touching dirty stuff…. But guess what? Still here, and even more healthy in my 30s than I was in my teens.
Nature has given us immunity against diseases; that’s why she created our immune systems. But, first, it must be trained beyond its basic principles and as we know. What’s the use of an immune system if it doesn’t have to fight? Exposing the immune system to pathogens makes it recognize them and fix its fighting strategies; if you don’t, you are just feeding it fat. Keep it lean, drop the obvious like those artificial fragrances, antibiotics packed meats, pesticides covered vegetables and distilled water in plastic bottles! Remember the word hygiene wasn’t there when humans first arrived in this world. If the mother’s milk gets in right, everything else should be a breeze.
Now, good luck in this dirty, dirty world.