10 Best Fiber Foods

(BeWellBuzz) Did you know that fiber helps you lose weight? Yes, scientific research has proven that dietary fiber is not only useful for proper digestion and bowel movement but it also helps in reducing weight.
And here’s the reason why – “It fills your belly, it acts like a sponge, it’s slower to be digested and absorbed, so it makes you feel full,” says WebMD Weight Loss Clinic Dietitian Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, LD. “It also provides bulk, which aids elimination, and it helps lower blood cholesterol.”
What Are The 10 Best Sources Of Fiber?
There are some foods that are excellent sources of fiber and should certainly be included in our daily diet. Let us share with you the top 10 foods that are rich in fiber:
1. Bran: With 85.6g fiber per 100 g serving, corn bran contains the maximum amount of dietary fiber as compared to any other food. According to Today’s Dietitian, just 1 oz. of oat bran contains 12 g of fiber.
2. Beans: Boiled beans contain a lot of dietary fiber. According to Today’s Dietitian, black beans, navy beans and kidney beans are among the best sources of fiber, with 15 g of fiber or more per 1 cup serving. Boiled beans can be added to salads and wraps.
3. Berries: Berries are an excellent source of fiber and a delightful addition to your healthy diet. According to Today’s Dietitian, raspberries, blackberries and elderberries are the best sources of dietary fiber, with 8 to 10 g per 1 cup serving. Berries can easily be added your preparations and can even be consumed raw for best results.
4. Cocoa: Many studies have proven that chocolate especially dark raw chocolate is beneficial for our health in more than one way. Dark chocolate is an excellent source of iron and potassium and provides 33.2 g of fiber per 100 g serving. Milk chocolate, however, does not contain enough fiber and should be avoided.
5. Seeds: Flax and sesame seeds have been known for their healthy oils and dietary fiber for ages. Flax seeds contain 27.3g of fiber per 100g serving. Adding flax or sesame seeds to your salad or bread can improve your fiber intake for the day.
6. Nuts: Nuts are always a lovely addition to your mid meal sandwich or salad. Almonds are rich in fiber with 12.2g per 100 g serving. Pistachios, hazelnuts and pecans are all excellent sources of fiber, as well. Adding nuts to your diet is easy as you can roast them and add to your salad or eat them as it is.
7. Greens: Green leafy vegetables are a rich source of iron as well as fiber. According to Today’s Dietitian, some of the best green vegetables for fiber include spinach, turnip greens, collard greens and beet greens. In fact, just 1 cup of cooked green vegetables contains 4 to 5 g of fiber. Other than salads, adding greens to your sandwich can be the easy way to increase your fiber intake.
8. Artichoke: Artichokes contain fiber, vitamin K and folate. It is also a significant source of vitamin C, magnesium, manganese and potassium. According to Woman’s Day Magazine, 1 cup of cooked artichoke contains 10.3 g of fiber.
9. Lentils: While Asian cuisine contains large amounts of lentils, American diet lacks lentils. Lentils are equally reliable source of fiber and should be eaten daily. According to the Mayo Clinic, 1 cup of cooked lentils contains 15.6 g of fiber alone. You can serve lentils just as a side dish or make it into soups and stews.
10. Dried Herbs: Packed with vitamins and minerals, dried herbs are also an excellent source of fiber. Ground cinnamon contains the most fiber providing 53.1g per 100g serving. Adding dried herbs like cinnamon, oregano, rosemary, coriander, basil, marjoram, sage, fennel, caraway, paprika, thyme, chili powder, cloves, cayenne pepper, and black pepper can help in your daily fiber intake.
What happens if you don’t eat enough of fiber?
Dietary fiber helps in normalizing our bowel movement. Lack of fiber in our diet can lead to constipation, hemorrhoids, and even elevated levels of cholesterol and sugar in the blood.
The current RDA for dietary fiber is 25 g per day. According to Harvard School of Public Health, men and teens may require up to 30 to 35 g of fiber intake per day. However, American diet does not contain enough fiber – about 15 g per day compared to the recommended 20 g per day minimum.
Lack of dietary fiber intake is one of the many reasons why people experience health issues like obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, etc.