What The Year of Dragon Holds For You

(BeWellBuzz) The Chinese zodiac is based on the moon and twelve animals and depending on which year you were born in, you will fall under the influence of one of them. Each animal sign has it’s own special characteristics and because there are twelve of them, each animal sign will only come around every twelve years. 2012 is Year of the Dragon and it officially arrived on February 4, 2012. Dragon years encourage growth and change in all areas of our lives, and inspire us to explore new frontiers in love, life and work.
The Dragon is a creature of myth and legend. A symbol of good fortune and sign of intense power. In Eastern philosophy, the Dragon is said to be a deliverer of good fortune and a master of authority. Therefore, those people born in Dragon years are to be honored and respected.
Numerology adds a new dimension to Chinese astrology and if you reduce the year 2012, it comes out to be 5, which is generally regarded as an auspicious year. The Year of the Dragon is also considered to be an auspicious year because the Dragon is the most powerful sign in the Chinese zodiac and also the sign which brings good fortune by the bucket load.
Five elements influence the signs of the Chinese zodiac and they are Earth, Fire, Water, Wood and Metal. Five is an auspicious number in itself, so coupled with the reduced 5 from 2012, it is even more fortunate that 2012 is a Water Dragon year.
General Characteristics of Dragons
Water Dragons are said to calm the fire within. Dragons can be notoriously impetuous, have incredibly fiery tempers and can make bad decision sometimes because of this. They are always right and reluctant to consider the opinions of others. Rules are for everyone else, not Dragons who like to make them. They rejoice in their non-conformist behaviors and like to rule their worlds from a great height with others following happily in their wake. These are the things that make Dragons powerful and also permit them to provide opportunities and good fortune to their followers.
Characteristics of Water Dragons
A Water Dragon is able to calm the fiery and impetuous impulses of a typical Dragon. They have the ability to see things of alternative points of view and in addition, they don’t always need to be in the right. Because they have the ability to allow opinions other than their own, they generally make better decisions. It means we will be under the influence of a well tempered, strong yet calmly decisive Water Dragon. Considering the troubled state of the world these days, it is better than good luck to be under the influence of a Water Dragon.
Chinese Horoscope and Numerology
In terms of Yin and Yang, 2012 is a Yang year. Northwest, North and West are the auspicious directions while luck colors are gold, silver and hoary. Colors to avoid are black, green, purple and red. Larkspur and the bleeding heart vine are lucky flowers, while lucky numbers are 7, 6, and 1. Numbers to avoid are 3, 8, and 9. For compatibility, best matches are with Monkeys, Rats and Roosters while Dogs, Oxen and Rabbits should be avoided at all costs if you really want to enjoy a harmonious relationship.
The influence of numerology cannot be under-rated in 2012. While being reduced to 5, 2012 is also a Leap Year containing 29 days, which can be reduced to 11 which is an auspicious master number. In addition to extra special good things happening to those who have a personal year number of 5, 2012 will be a good year for all on many levels. So when combined with the good fortune of the Water Dragon, numerology also indicates good things for 2012.
For those who would like to further engage with their personal year number, it is calculated by adding together the numbers of the month, day of your birthday and 2012. So November 3rd would be: 1+1+3+2+0+1+2 = 10 = 1. Personal year 1 means Planting Seeds, Rebirth, Beginning of an Era, a New Beginning In Your Life, An Active Year of Improvement. When considered in conjunction with Chinese astrology, it looks like a good year. Included below are the interpretations of personal year numbers one through nine and including the master numbers 11 and 22.
Number 1. Planting Seeds, Rebirth, Beginning of an Era, a New Beginning In Your Life, An Active Year of Improvement.
Number 2. Nurturing, Development, Waiting For the Right Moment, Spiritual Growth and a Year of Sharing.
Number 3. Blossoming, Expansion, Personal and Business Success, Mental Activity Reaching a High point.
Number 4. Maintenance, Work, Self Control and Responsibility, Consolidation, Changes for the Better.
Number 5. Independence, Freedom, Connecting to Others, Development of Artistic Skills, Material Progress.
Number 6. Finding a New Love, Family and Home, Settling Down, Permanence, Harmony, Domesticity, Security and Good Choices.
Number 7. Reflection, Learning, Self Analysis, Inner Change, Consolidation, Spiritual Protection, Inner Focus, Using Time Wisely.
Number 8. Health, Wealth and Abundance, Independence, Recognition, Action, Wisdom, Breaking Away from the Past, Endings.
Number 9. Death, Taking Personal Inventory, End of an Era, Forgiveness, Compassion, Completion, Release, Tolerance. Master Numbers
Number 11. Working Diligently, Enlightenment, Clarification, Revelation, Grasp Opportunities which Arise, Choose the Right Path.
Number 22. Power, Decisions, Focus, Opportunities, Inspiration, Creativity, and Quality of Life, Change for Betterment, Wealth.
Be sensitive to others this year. The more kindness and consideration you extend during a Water Dragon year, the more rewards you will reap. Anyone considering getting married or starting a business is in luck; the Year of the Water Dragon favors new endeavors of all kinds.