How to Clear Blocked Sinuses, Naturally and Fast!

Colds, allergies, and weather changes can leave you with blocked sinuses, stuffy noses, and breathing troubles. This post from Collective Evolution discusses how to clear seriously blocked sinuses naturally in just one minute.
Having clogged sinuses isn’t fun. You can’t breath, you can’t smell, it can hurt, and it changes your voice entirely. Finding relief when you have clogged sinuses is usually like finding a million dollars on the ground — it’s amazing!
The causes for nasal congestion can range greatly, and you don’t have to be sick to be congested. Many people will experience congestion from allergies, temperatures, dust, smoking, spicy food, and air particles.
Recently I was at Contact In The Desert and I found myself having clogged sinuses from the blowing sand and dry air. Within two days, I couldn’t breathe at all out of one side of my nose and my sinuses got blocked up, causing my face and head to hurt. I needed a solution.
After trying to blow my nose over and over again, I turned to the internet for relief. Sure enough, the internet came through.
I found a video by Dr. Adam that quickly and easily explained how to clear sinuses using your fingers in about 1 minute — and no, they didn’t have to go in my nose. Sure enough, I had relief from the pain the blockage was causing, and I could breathe!
Some might be wondering why I didn’t take sinus or cold medication to get relief. The answer is simple: I don’t like taking medication for anything unless I absolutely have to. I know many of you are on the same page and like to do things naturally. Many cold medications just mask symptoms and come with negative side effects that are good to avoid.
How To Clear Your Sinuses Fast!
You simply need to sit down and get your hands ready for the following steps. The video below gives you a visual explanation as well, so I recommend checking that out too.
1. While sitting with your head and body on about a 45 degree angle, turn your head sideways and rub your sternocleidomastoid muscle downwards 4 or 5 times. You can find the muscle right beneath your ear running down your neck to your collarbone. See image. Do this on both sides of your neck to help relax your neck.
2. Take your index fingers, locate the hard boney part of the upper sides of your nose, and move downwards towards the soft part on the side of your nose where the bone ends. Begin massaging this area in a circular motion with as much pressure as you can for about 20 seconds. Once completed, rub the muscles from the side of your nose down and towards your cheekbones to relax them.
3. Take your index fingers and run them under the inside orbit bone above your eyes until you find a notch in the bone called the super orbital notch. It is usually just above the centre of the eye. Massage that notch in a circular motion with as much pressure as you can handle for about 20 seconds. Once done, massage your forward with both hands starting in the centre of your forehead and pulling outwards towards your temples.
That’s it! Once you have gone through this process you should notice a lot of relief in your sinuses and should be able to blow your nose quite easily. You may have to repeat this process again but play with it and see what works for you.
Below is a video explaining the entire process from Dr. Adam. I have also included another helpful method that also worked well for me.
Alternative Method
This method is simpler but may not be as effective for everyone. As always, do what works best for you.
1. Push your tongue flat into the roof of your mouth with decent pressure for 1 second.
2. Then, take your thumb and press the area right between your eyebrows above your nose for 1 second.
3. Alternate step 1 and 2 over and over again for about 20 – 30 seconds. Note: you are not pressing the points at the same time, you are alternating.
Repeat this process as necessary to help clear your sinuses.
If you’ve had blocked sinuses, you probably don’t want it to happen often, so preventing it is the key! Here are a few ways you can help prevent blocked sinuses.
Eat a well-balanced diet – Eating healthy foods promotes good health. What you put into your body to digest is what determines your health. If you want your immune system working well, take care with quality food and keep your gut performing well.
Get Regular exercise – Regular exercise also helps improve overall health and the immune system.
Quit smoking – It goes without saying, cigarettes are not good for us and the smoke can irritate sinuses.
Use a humidifier – If you find your house dry, use a humidifier to help dampen the air. You can also hop in a warm shower and breathe in the steam. Best to use a chlorine filter on your shower head so you aren’t breathing in toxic chemicals from chlorine.
Cut Out Antibiotics – Antibiotics don’t do anything for viral infections, which is usually why people get clogged sinuses when they are sick. Antibiotics wreak havoc on your health. Only take them when they are absolutely necessary!
Keep A Clean Home – Dust and air quality can also cause blocked sinuses. Vacuum and wipe down surfaces of your home regularly. Decrease clutter and areas where dust can collect and stay.
Source: How To Clear Seriously Blocked Sinuses Naturally In 1 Minute – Collective Evolution