Do You Ooze With Passion?

Have you noticed when you are on a mission to achieve your dream, nothing seems like hard work? Your energy seems endless and sacrifices aren’t even noticed. Your focus is intense and you are able to do more than you ever thought possible.
This magnificent obsession is like a magnet that draws you to become all that you could ever be. Just like the honey bee doesn’t notice the miles it flies to gather nectar, it just does what it was created to do. This is where you achieve at your highest potential because you have dug the deepest into your inner reserves to discover and develop your potential.
Gold is uncovered within you and you glow with enthusiasm and excitement. You live in anticipation of the desired result and you gather a following of like-minded people who all want to be part of the adventure.
Human greatness follows when passion oozes out of a person’s heart. Excellence is the natural result because passion produces vision, perspective and persistence A magnificent obsession is the way we should all want to live –it is what causes us to “become” all we can be.
This magnificent obsession comes from the spirit of the person you already are. You are just entrusted to dig deep, develop it and then release it to follow your calling. A fancy business card or letters after your name don’t produce this obsession. Nor does a university degree on the wall birth passion. It isn’t even the accolades and admiration you earn. These may be of assistance, but they are not the end in themselves.
This pursuit of passion is the mindset that you have – it is striving for release in the calling of your life. It is the paradigms – the beliefs – that you live by, You MUST do what you do. You are enveloped in a vengeance that will not be denied. We always are empowered to achieve our calling. It is your own belief in the power of that calling – that purpose for which you were born. You press towards the prize of your higher calling no matter what the price.
This purpose, like your fingerprints, is uniquely yours. If you don’t follow your passion, you always will be the frustrated spectator on the sidelines, watching others rejoice as they reach their potential. Your regrets of “if only” then can become a torment for you.
We all have read many books and heard all the great presenters ask that same question: “If it weren’t for money, time and personal responsibilities, what would I really love to do with my life?”
When you answer that question truly from the depths of your heart, you become a different person. A peace comes over you when you identify your purpose and you give thanks that already within you is the passion and ability to pursue it. As we answer that question from our own individual perspectives, our lives take on a whole new dimension. This is when you really live your life.
I believe it was Anthony Robbins who said, “By personalizing your passion, you will experience the unlimited power from within!” It was Joseph Joubert who said, “Happy is the man who can do only one thing.In doing it, he fulfills his destiny”.