Proven Natural Ways To Keep Insects Away

It’s that time of the year again. Summertime! And along with the excess heat that comes with this season of the year are the excessive bugs. Ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies, just to name a few.
Yes, those toxic sprays are widely available and definitely do the job but you really should stay away from them! Fortunately there are natural solutions. So let’s check out all natural ways to keep insects away using elements found in nature that have been around for centuries and are proven to work.
Many items can be found in your produce section of the grocery store since that is the “green” section of the store. Cucumber slices come to mind when it comes to getting rid of ants. All you do is place them at wherever their entry point into your house is. You can also sprinkle cayenne or black pepper or any other kind of pepper.
Perhaps the best way to rid your homestead of insects is to keep your gutters cleaned out at all times which includes removing any standing water reserves following a rainstorm. Wiping up any crumbs on the kitchen counter also goes with this. If this does not get rid of them, it can go a long way toward keeping them at bay so you have fewer to get rid of. You also want to keep a well-manicured lawn and make sure to pull the weeds every so often since these attract insects. Lastly, there is your handy dandy vacuum cleaner and just suck them up but that would likely leave a lingering odor in your vacuum for months to come.
There is an all-natural product called Diatomaceous Earth which is a natural sediment that contains alumina, silica, and iron oxide and works by sprinkling it around the bugs’ hangout and breaks down the protective waxy layer that is around an insect’s exoskeleton and causes them to become dehydrated and die within 48 hours. This is not toxic to humans but it can cause some irritation if you were to get any on you. If you don’t have it in you to kill a harmless multi-legged creature, you can also simmer some catnip tea that can be spayed around the house; particularly in areas where some of these bloodsuckers are known to congregate.
Speaking of catnip tea, there are other natural repellants that can be made from products such as vegetable oils, apple cider vinegar, and other essential oils. For example, you can chop some garlic cloves up and spread them around possible points of entry and inside crevices. You can also mix four teaspoons (20 mL) of garlic powder with two cups (500mL) of water. Garlic powder? Wondering if you can spray it on your food too? Keep the bugs out and make food tastier; albeit a bit wet.
Other things you can make a spray out of would be ten drops of mint oil with two cups of water. This acts as more of a repellant so again if you just want them to leave and not kill them. There is also dish soap where you want to use 32 ounces of a mild dish soap with a couple quarts of hot water, or 1-2 teaspoons of neem oil with a two quarts of hot water. You may have to spray it around the house for up to a week before you begin to see results.
Basil is a good herb to get rid of flies. You can either cook with it or buy a basil plant for your house. Sugar, corn syrup, and brown paper bags can be used to make your own fly paper and stick it to surfaces where the litter buggers are likely to appear. Or you can just go down the cleaning aisle at the grocery store and buy some boric acid powder and sprinkle it in doorways, crevices, and window sills.
The last decade or so has seen an awakening in homeopathic remedies for much of societies ill; from sickness to even insects. With the cost of living going up, many people are returning to the old simple way of life and doing things by learning how to do-it yourself and cut costs; anything from eating organically grown food without all the pesticides to creating home remedies for various needs around the house.