Optimal Wellness Labs MAP Test Review

(BeWellBuzz) We live in amazing times where technology can help us really understand our health. Imagine eating well, exercising, taking all the right supplements and then getting hit with a disease you didn’t see coming. It happens every day, but it doesn’t have to!
There’s no excuse to avoid leveraging the tools we have around us and feel confident in your state of health. If you think about it, you’ll agree that the way you feel is a poor measurement of what may be lurking deep inside. Some diseases are even called “silent killers” for a reason – YOU DON’T SEE or FEEL IT COMING.
The good news is that I’m going to reveal a test that will help you measure your state of health in a way that is so simple that you won’t even need to leave your home to take it. Before I go into the candid and revealing review let me tell you a bit about who is behind it.
Meet Dr. DiCenso
Dr. Richard A. DiCenso is an author, international speaker and complementary care expert with over 30 years of experience in human biochemistry and orthomolecular nutrition. He has helped thousands of individuals around the world with undiagnosable symptoms to dramatically improve their health without drugs or surgery. With his extensive clinical experience he is a thought leader in the emerging field of “Whole Person Rehabilitation”.
He has given keynote presentations to the United States Federal Government in Washington D.C., and appears regularly on these shows and publications:
- The Jim Bohannon Show
- The Mancow Show
- The Today Show
- America Tonight
- Psychology Today
- Cooking Light
- The Daily Café
- Spirituality and Health
Using his considerable background in human biochemistry and Orthomolecular Nutrition Dr. DiCenso has helped thousands of individuals around the world with undiagnosable symptoms using The MAP Test to dramatically improve their health without drugs or surgery.
What is The MAP Test?
The M.A.P. is a tool that is used as a starting point for plotting a course in the direction of correction. But before you can go anywhere, you have to know where you are!
M.A.P. is an acronym for the Matrix Assessment Profile. This profile is designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the three major areas that produce symptoms. The Matrix Assessment Profile provides the foundation for this process. Performing a biological fluid analysis, along with a symptom survey and health history review, aids in determining what factors are affecting what systems that contribute to the constant symptoms you are experiencing.
Matrix Transformation is the adapted science of evaluating and manipulating productive changes in the internal environment of the body. The liquid interior of the body is called the Biological Matrix. The Biological Matrix represents a fluid transport system for the delivery of nutrients to and elimination of waste products from the cells of the body. The process of transforming the biological matrix begins with a M.A.P.
Order The Optimal Wellness Labs Map Test
I’m Sold, What Can I Expect?
(1) After your order is processed a testing kit is rushed to you. I got mine super fast. It looks like the picture you see on the right hand side. You’ll get a lifestyle questionnaire so that the experts reviewing your results get to know your habits. You send that back along with your biological samples. A couple days later you will get an email that the samples were received.
(2) A few days later you get another email from the lab saying that the test results have been processed and are available for you to view through their private, secure online portal (you will be provided with confidential log-in information).
One of the documents is The MAP results, where Dr. DiCenso explains in length which organs or body systems are compromised in your case and the level of severity (visually with colorful graphs). Furthermore, you will get an in-depth explanation of where the imbalance exists in your biochemistry and address those imbalances.
In the second document, you are provided with personalized recommendations (in my case supplements and nutraceuticals, lifestyle changes, diet changes, etc.). The healing process is divided in three phases which last 12 weeks altogether: detox, recuperation and maintenance. Each phase has its own recommended products, related to your symptoms.
Here’s what the MAP results look like:
(3) Get an optional 1/2 Consultation (this is not included in the price of the test) or get on a free weekly call and get your questions answered by Dr. DiCenso himself. These calls are recorded so you can listen to them at your convenience.
Our Personal Experience with MAP
Oksana and I did the MAP Test right after a 30 day cleanse. We expected the results to be perfect. I mean we eat right, take care of ourselves, feel amazing most of the time. We were in for a surprise… I’ll tell you all about it in a moment.
The test came in the mail and we eagerly filled out the questionnaire the night before we sent the test in. Following the instructions we took care of business and sent in the kit.
Like clockwork, a few days later we had our results in our inbox. Excited we opened the email anticipating a clean bill of health. Well… Here’s what we learned:
We both had adrenal fatigue, heavy metals, kidney issues, liver issues among other things.
HOW COULD THIS BE??? We just finished a 30 day cleanse and felt better than ever!
We did a 30 minute consult with Dr. Di. He explained that everything we did was important and helpful. What the test tells is the accumulated load on those systems and while the cleanse and lifestyle choices helped we need to do some specific things to balance things out.
We’re now following our personal protocols laid out in our recommendation.
Now it’s Your Turn
Today is the day you will take action and test yourself so a silent killer doesn’t take you out. This test is inexpensive, but it could be if you don’t measure your health. Give yourself and your family the gift of health security. It’s better than any insurance policy.
Order The Optimal Wellness Labs Map Test
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