Eating for Your Blood Type—B+ & B-

Your blood type provides a general look into your ancestral history. It is believed that each blood type hints to a different but rich history, including where your ancestors came from, what climate they lived in, what they did for a living, and what they ate on a daily basis.
It seems logical, then, that the four blood types respond to different foods in different ways. Certain foods that are ideal for one blood type may lead to weight gain and disease in another. Here, we’ll learn all about the blood type diet: B.
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History of B Blood Type
In order to fully understand why certain foods should be avoided or eaten on the B positive blood type diet or the B negative blood type diet, it’s helpful to understand how this blood type evolved.
A large migration from the hot climate in Africa to the cold climate of the Himalayan highlands—what is now part of India, Nepal, Tibet, and Pakistan—caused quite a shock to blood type A people. It is believed that blood type B started as a mutation in response to climate change. It first appeared in India and in the Ural region of Asia, where there was a mix of Mongolian and Caucasian tribes.
Blood type B soon became a characteristic that defined tribes of steppe dwellers as they moved through Asia. Their livelihood depended on domesticating animals, and so they ate a lot of dairy and meat.
The B blood type is most common in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Korea, Japan, China, Mongolia, Thailand, and China. As you look further west, the B blood type can be found in people of Asian nomadic migration.
Here we can start to understand the role of the blood type diet. B blood types are flexible. They adapted from being strictly herbivorous to eating mostly dairy and meat products. Therefore, the B positive blood type diet and the B negative blood type diet include both vegetable and animal foods.
The Blood Type Diet: B
Type B people are flexible and fluid but are also prone to producing high levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Diets high in certain toxins and lectins can increase cortisol levels, leading to disease and inflammation.
Overall, type B people are strong, fit, and mentally balanced. They are not as susceptible to many of the diseases that plague other blood types. By following a B blood type diet, they can live long, happy, and healthy lives.
The B blood type diet is diverse and rich in meat, dairy, fruit, vegetables, and grains. However, there are specific foods that should be avoided by people looking to follow a B positive blood type diet or a B negative blood type diet.
RELATED: Important Health Risks That Come With Your Blood Type
Foods to Avoid on Blood Type Diet: B
It all has to do with the way that certain lectins—proteins in your food—react with your blood. The B positive blood type diet and the B negative blood type diet follow the same recommendations. The following foods contain lectins that react badly with B blood. They can cause weight gain and disease among B positive and B negative people.
- Wheat
- Buckwheat
- Corn
- Lentils
- Peanuts
- Sesame seeds
- Tomatoes and ketchup
- Shellfish
- Chicken
The list above includes foods that are most harmful for B positive and B negative blood types.
Corn, buckwheat, sesame seeds, peanuts, and lentils cause weight gain and poor metabolic function in people with blood type B. They lead to problems like fatigue, water retention, and hypoglycemia.
Nuts and seeds, including peanuts and sesame seeds, contain lectins that interfere with insulin production in blood type B people.
Tomatoes can wreak havoc in the stomach lining of those with B blood types.
Wheat is known to affect insulin efficiency and prevent fat burning in people with B blood types.
Surprisingly, chicken is one of the worst foods for those with B blood types. The muscle tissue contains a lectin that causes agglutination. The agglutinating lectin can cause immune disorders and even lead to stroke in blood type B people.
Other foods best avoided on the blood type diet for B types include legumes, grains (except for rice and oats), avocados, bleu cheese, coconuts, persimmons, pomegranates, star fruit, prickly pear, pepper, cinnamon, pepper, sesame oil, sunflower oil, and corn oil.
Best Foods for Blood Type Diet: B

Done right, the B negative and B positive blood type diet will facilitate weight loss, boost energy levels, and improve overall health. The following foods react best with the blood of those who are type B.
- Meat, especially lamb, goat, rabbit, mutton, and venison
- Deep ocean fish, including salmon, sea trout, cod, halibut, and mackerel
- Green vegetables, especially dark, leafy greens like kale, broccoli, collard greens, and mustard greens
- Most fruits, except for the ones mentioned above
- Eggs
- Low-fat dairy products
- Rice and rice flour
- Oatmeal, oat flour, oat bran
- Ginger, curry, cayenne, and parsley
The blood type diet for B types recommends herbal tea and green tea as well as juice prepared from the most beneficial fruits (pineapples, cranberries, grapes, plums, and papayas). The best oil for B types to use is olive oil, while corn, safflower, sunflower, canola, and peanut oils should be avoided.
The best condiments for the B blood type diet include mustard, mayonnaise, jams, and jellies. Ketchup should be avoided because tomatoes can cause harm to the stomach lining of those with B blood types.
The good news is that there are way more foods that B blood types can eat than those they should avoid. Of course, the best way to stay healthy is with a combination of healthy eating and exercise, so don’t forget to include moderate exercise and cardio to your daily routine. Swimming, tennis, hiking, and cycling are all great activities for B blood types.
If you are a type B, thank your lucky stars that your diet includes a wide variety of different foods and is not as limited as the O and A blood type diets.
RELATED: Eating for Your Blood Type: A+ & A-