Water Footprint and Ways To Reduce Water Usage

(BeWellBuzz) Fresh water is a scarce resource. With each year population is growing and so is the demand. There are many places in the world with limited amount of clean water and it is our responsibility to decrease our use of water and ensure sustainability.
What is Water Footprint?
Water Footprint is the total amount of fresh water used directly and indirectly by consumers and manufacturers.
Direct water usage is what you use when you turn on a faucet, take a shower, drink a glass of water, cook, wash, etc.
Indirect water usage is the water used to produce, grow, and manufacturer the items that we use.
Why Should You Care?
You might be wondering why you should even care about your water footprint. You have the ability to reduce the amount of water you directly and indirectly use. This includes installing water saving toilets, applying a water-saving showerhead, closing the tap during teeth brushing, and opt for baths rather than showers since it uses more water.
Fruits, Vegetables and Even Grains
For anyone who is looking to go on a diet and to help decrease your water footprint, you might find a diet that’s rich in fruits and vegetables is the ideal way to go. It’s a lot cheaper, healthier, and is also a lot better in regards to carbon emission.
- Lettuce: 15 gallons
- Potatoes: 30 gallons
- Tofu: 244 gallons
- Mango: 190 gallons
- Cucumber: 28 gallons
- Avocado: 220 gallons
- Olives: 522 gallons
Dairy and Meats
With these items, you’ll see that water intensity increases a lot. If you’re looking to decrease your water footprint, you might want to consider cutting back in this area.
- Butter: 2044 gallons
- Cheese: 896 gallons
- Pork: 1630 gallons
- Eggs: 573 gallons
- Chicken: 815 gallons
Are you looking for something to drink while being able to keep your water footprint down as much as you can? Tap water might just be the way to go. However, some people want some flavor and variety, so here’s how beverage water footprints break down:
- Wine: 58 gallons
- Coffee: 29 gallons
- Tea: 7 gallons
- Beer: 36 gallons
Tips for Saving Your Water Footprint
There are a few different methods that you can use in your daily life to help cut back on your water footprint. This goes far beyond shortening your showers and installing low flushing toilets. There are many ways that some people would have never thought of.
On a daily average, it takes about 1,000 gallons of water to produce food for a typical American! When you think about this on a worldwide average of both indirect and direct water consumption, it equals to about 900 gallons each day per person!
You can begin cutting your water footprint by eating a lot less meat considering one hamburger costs about 500 gallons of water. If you are going to eat a little bit of meat, you’ll want to keep in mind that animals that eat grass are going to cost less water.
Did you know that one pound of cotton costs about 100 gallons of water to make? The clothes you wear can also be another way to cut back on your water footprint. The average amount of clothes that a person buys on a year is about 35 pounds. This ranges from towels to clothing as well. You can help by buying second hand clothing rather than buying brand new clothing. Before you decide to get rid of your clothing, wear it for as long as possible. Rather than throwing it in the trash, consider recycling it by giving it to others or giving it to charity purposes.
Your Car Habits
Another great way to help reduce it is by driving less. One gallon of gas costs about 13 gallons of water, so consider carpooling. You should also combine errands and things to do into one day of driving rather than a few days of going back and forth. Did you know also that washing your car uses about 150 gallons of water? Washing your car less often also helps cut back on the water footprint.
Conserving water is an important aspect of living a greener lifestyle. More and more people are making the switch and these tips can help cut back on your water footprint. Knowing what the water footprint is in items and foods you eat and use on a daily basis can help you reduce it drastically.