Top 10 Air Purifying Plants for Your House

Indoor air can be just as polluted as the air outside. That’s where air purifying plants in your house come to the rescue. Get to know the top 10!
Say the word ‘air pollution’, and most people automatically think that reference is being made to outdoor air pollution. However, the air inside an enclosed room can be just as polluted as the air outside. That’s where air purifying house plants come to the rescue.
Sources of indoor air pollution
Research has shown that indoor air usually contains chemicals, germs, air pollutants, and other harmful chemicals. Breathing in polluted indoor air can cause discomfort. In addition, impure air can also cause and worsen respiratory conditions such as asthma. Common sources of indoor pollution include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Household products
- Mold, pollen, and other biological contaminants
- Carbon monoxide and other harmful gasses
- Tobacco smoke
- Pesticides
- Formaldehyde, lead, asbestos, and other materials used in the building
Scientific study confirms certain plants can effectively purify indoor air
A NASA study concluded that certain houseplants can effectively purify and revitalize indoor air and protect individuals from the harmful effects of air toxins such as benzene, ammonia, and formaldehyde.
Air Purifying House Plants Vs Air Purifying Products
Research shows that air purifying house plants are as effective as common air purifying products in filtering the air. The other advantages of using plants include:
- They do not consume electricity
- They enhance the appearance of your home
The top 10 air purifying house plants
Here is a list of the top 10 house plants that keep indoor air clean and pure:
1. Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) Ranked as the best air purifying plant by the NASA study,
Ranked as the best air purifying plant by the NASA study, Areca Palm is also an excellent natural humidifier. It is effective in removing toxins such as xylene and formaldehyde. You can place the plant in any place in the house where the sunlight is not too direct. Conditions required for growing:
- Lighting – Moderate to bright
- Watering – Heavy
2. Boston Fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata bostoniensis)
This exotic plant purifies the air inside your home and also acts as a natural humidifier. Boston fern grows better in indirect sunlight and humid conditions. It is effective in removing harmful air pollutants like xylene, benzene, and formaldehyde. Conditions required for growing:
- Lighting – Moderate
- Watering – Moderate to heavy
3. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema modestum)
An herbaceous perennial plant, Chinese Evergreen removes airborne toxins like formaldehyde and benzene. As it requires low to moderate light, you should place it in a spot that does not get direct sunlight. Conditions required for growing:
- Lighting – Low to Moderate
- Watering – Moderate
4. Rubber Plant (Ficus robusta)
This popular house plant is an excellent natural air purifier. You can place it in your living room or in any other place that does not get direct sunlight. Conditions required for growing:
- Lighting – Low to Moderate
- Watering – Heavy
5. Dracaena Janet Craig (Dracaena deremensis)
You can use this great-looking, easy-to-maintain plant to purify and revitalize the air inside your home and reduce the risk of various health conditions that can occur due to constant exposure to impure and stale air. Conditions required for growing:
- Lighting – Moderate
- Watering – Moderate to low
6. Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
This hardy plant not only enhances the ambiance of your home, but also absorbs harmful air pollutants such as benzene, xylene, and formaldehyde. Golden Pothos is also known by other names such as Silver Vine and Devil’s Ivy. Conditions required for growing:
- Lighting – Moderate
- Watering – Moderate
Words of caution: Golden Pothos or Devil’s Ivy can be toxic to pets such as small dogs and cats, as well as small kids. Avoid using this natural air-purifying plant if you have small kids and/or pets.
7. English Ivy (Hedera helix)
An attractive accent plant with lobbed leaves and trailing vines, English Ivy is perfect for enclosed spaces where the air is dry and stale. Owing to its excellent ability to remove airborne mold and faces, the plant is excellent for anyone with allergic conditions or respiratory conditions such as asthma. Conditions required for growing:
- Lighting – Bright light but not direct sunlight
- Watering – Moderate
Words of caution: The leaves of English Ivy can be toxic. Do not eat the leaves of this plant. Skin irritation can occur if your skin comes in contact with the leaves. Wear protective gloves while handling the plant. Not recommended for homes with young children and/or pets.
8. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
Peace lily, or Closet Plant, is easy to care for house plant and is most famous for its ability to reduce harmful chemicals that may cause cancer.
Peace lily, or Closet Plant, is an easy to care for house plant and is most famous for its ability to reduce harmful chemicals that may cause cancer. Conditions required for growing:
- Lighting – Bright light
- Watering – Heavy
9. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
This rapidly growing plant removes impurities such as xylene and formaldehyde. Spider plant is a low-maintenance plant, and you can place it anywhere in your home.
This rapidly growing plant removes impurities such as xylene and formaldehyde. Spider plant is a low-maintenance plant, and you can place it anywhere in your home. Conditions required for growing:
- Lighting – Moderate natural light but not direct sunlight
- Watering – Low
10. Lady Palms (Rhapis species)
Lady Palms, a hugely popular house plant, is considered one of the best natural air purifiers. It can be kept in humid or dry climates (20°F – 100°F) and is not susceptible to most plant insects. Conditions required for growing:
- Lighting – Bright indirect sunlight
- Watering – Moderate to low