The Dangers Of Heavy Metal Toxicity—And How To Detox Correctly

In today’s world, everyone either knows someone struggling with a chronic health issue or is struggling with one themselves.
Toxins are present in every part of our environment—in our air, water, homes, food, cookware, medications, and more. Some of the most harmful toxins are called heavy metals, and they include mercury, aluminum, copper, cadmium, nickel, arsenic, and lead. Heavy metals are extremely dangerous when they build up in the body.
Unfortunately, heavy metal toxicity is quite common. In fact, it is very possibly the reason that you or a loved one is experiencing fatigue, headaches, migraines, joint pain, constipation, brain fog, inflammation, anxiety, yeast and bacteria overgrowth, psychiatric disorders, or any other chronic symptom—because of heavy metal toxicity.
These metals hang around in soft tissue of the body, causing damage to surrounding cells and leading to inflammation. They also weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to disease or infection.
The dangers of heavy metal toxicity don’t stop there. Heavy metals are a form of neurotoxin—a poisonous substance that causes damage to the nervous system and disrupts the normal function of nerve cells. Heavy metals pose a real threat to the central nervous system and to the brain.
In addition, they serve as a feeding ground for viruses, bacteria, and parasites, making them that much more powerful and dangerous. Streptococcus, E. coli, C. difficile, H. pylori, yeast cells, and Epstein-Barr are all more threatening when they have heavy metals to feed off of.
You can’t smell it, see it, feel it, or taste it, but heavy metals are everywhere, and if you don’t take precautions, you may be at risk for some very dangerous conditions long term. We’re talking autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, and cancer.

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Luckily, there are changes you can make that will help lower your exposure to heavy metals significantly.
Preventing and Limiting Exposure
Make small lifestyle changes to reduce exposure to heavy metals. Once you implement these changes, they will start to come naturally and you won’t even think twice—and you’ll be a lot healthier for it.
- Switch to organic. Some of the most common sources of heavy metals are pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and chemical fertilizers. Cut out non-organic produce, and you’re limiting your ingestion of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury.
- Toss all offending kitchenware. Go through your kitchen and replace all nonstick, aluminum, and stainless steel cookware with cast iron, titanium, enamel, or glass cookware.
- Skip cosmetics and personal care products that contain aluminum. Avoid cosmetics with an aluminum base and powders that contain bismuth. Many deodorant products also contain aluminum, so go natural instead.
- Quit smoking. If there weren’t already enough reasons, cigarette smoke doesn’t just cause lung disease, cancer, early aging, erectile dysfunction, and poor oral hygiene—it also raises the risk for heavy metal toxicity. Cigarette smoke causes cadmium poisoning. Secondhand smoke is no better.
Replace amalgam fillings. Amalgam dental fillings cause heavy metal toxicity by slowly releasing mercury into the body. If you go through this process, Medicardium suppositories are a MUST.
- Get natural household cleaning products. Regular cleaning products are filled with nasty chemicals, so go natural instead. Think essential oils, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice.
- Avoid foods imported from China. The water and soil in China are exceptionally polluted with toxins and heavy metals. Avoid all food products made in China, especially fish, poultry, canned goods, apple juice, salt, garlic—or anything, really.
- No more farm-raised fish. They tend to contain very high levels of mercury.
- Drink filtered water. You don’t want to take chances of drinking contaminated tap water that contains lead, mercury, nickel, or any other heavy metal.
Take these steps and you can significantly reduce your exposure to dangerous toxins.
If you think you may already have heavy metal toxicity, there is something you can do about it.
How to Detoxify from Heavy Metals
Certain foods are known to chelate heavy metals, and they can help to pull them out of the body. Eat the following detox foods to speed up the detoxification process.
Chlorella. This blue-green alga is well-known for its detox benefits. Take one to three teaspoons of organic chlorella powder mixed into a shake or a glass of water or juice.
- Cilantro. Also known as coriander in the UK, cilantro is an herb that can help to remove mercury, aluminum, and lead from the body. Experts believe that cilantro can cross the blood-brain barrier to remove heavy metals from the brain. Take 400 mg of cilantro to rid your body of heavy metals in just two weeks.
- Parsley. Another powerful herb for detox, parsley can help you clear your body of heavy metals and give you relief from joint pain, headaches, constipation, and fatigue. Make yourself a green shake with a generous handful of parsley every day for two weeks.
- Fruits and vegetables high in pectin. Pectin is a fiber found in some fruits and vegetables, and it helps with detoxification by binding to heavy metals, which are then excreted through urination. Green apples, cabbage, bananas, beets, grapes, carrots, and the pith of citrus fruits are all excellent sources of pectin.
- Cruciferous vegetables. This family of vegetables includes broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale. Cruciferous vegetables are high in antioxidants that increase the production of detoxifying enzymes in the body.
- Sulfur-rich foods. Garlic, onions, cauliflower, eggs, broccoli, and cabbage are all effective detoxifiers.
- Alpha lipoic acid-containing foods. A powerful antioxidant and detox agent, alpha lipoic acid can cross the blood-brain barrier to clean out toxins in the brain. Good sources of the alpha lipoic acid include spinach, broccoli, tomato, green peas, brussels sprouts, rice bran, and cow organ meats.
It goes without saying that the fruits and vegetables eaten for detox should be organic.
RELATED: 7 Best Foods for Heavy Metal Detox
Other ways to boost heavy metal detox include:
Sweating. Exercise daily and sit in a sauna if possible. Don’t forget to drink plenty of purified water to replace fluids.
- Bentonite clay bath. Many experts recommend taking a bath with bentonite clay. The clay binds itself to heavy metal toxins, removing them through the skin.
- Take supplements. Certain supplements may help to bind to heavy metals and boost your body’s own detoxification capabilities. Some supplements that may help include chlorella, vitamin C, cilantro, shilajit, milk thistle, and probiotics, as well as Medicardium suppositories.
RELATED: 7 Tips to Easily, Inexpensively & Naturally Detox Heavy Metals
Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid heavy metals completely, but by reducing exposure, you give your body a better chance at detoxifying the ones that are unavoidable.
You can reduce your exposure by going natural—that means organic foods, wild fish, and natural cleaning and cosmetic products.
Say bye-bye to joint pain, headaches, constipation, and fatigue. Do a heavy metal detox using the tips listed above and you’ll come out of it feeling like a new person.