What Is Aniseed or Anise
Pimpinella anisum, endearingly called Aniseed or Anise (Chotti Saunf), is a native of the Mediterranean area. Mostly found in fragrances and cosmetics, Anise is a sweet aromatic flowering plant of the Apiaxeae family. The herbs is recognized as one due to its medicinal properties with a variety of elements like calcium, vitamin B, iron, potassium, chlorine and magnesium.
Anise benefits
- A cure for cold symptoms: coughs, asthma, pneumonia and excessive mucus. It is a good expectorant.
- Treats indigestion, nausea, gas and bloating. A good appetite enhancer, Anise, also helps the digestive system.
- An aid to lactation. The herb takes up the estrogenic effect to produce breast milk in women.
- Topical application helps in the treatment of scabies and lice. It is a wonderful antiseptic.
- Aniseed oil is used as a natural aphrodisiac with its testosterone effect and was used eons ago to increase libido. The smell of the oil resembles that of black licorice. It is an aromatherapy oil used to relax, relieve pain and to cure minor abrasions.
- Experts remark that the herb can also vitalize major organs and glands like lungs, brain, heart and liver.
Uses of Anise:
- Anise tea can be made by boiling the crushed seeds in water for 20 minutes. Drinking this helps in gastric problems. This can be taken after a large meal.
- Warm anise tea with honey can help cold related symptoms. Add some ginger and tulsi for the perfect herbal tea.
- If you like the aniseed flavor add some powder in to your sweets. It can also be used with cinnamon for a unique flavour.
- Sucking the seeds are said to give an aphrodisiac effect!
- A glass of warm milk with a few seeds can cure insomnia.
- Chewing anise can freshen up your mouth.
Always buy fresh green colored anise. You may store them as they are or powder them and store in an airtight container. Refrigerating is a good idea. However, excess usage should be avoided.