8 Hemp Products Likely To Get More Attention In 2019

No wonder the hemp market was prevented from developing in the U.S. of the 1930s—hemp products threatened some of the biggest industries in the world. Think fuel, tobacco, textile…the list goes on.
The plant’s virtues were extolled in a rather prophetic article published in The Popular Mechanics magazine in 1938. The authors predicted a billion-dollar industry.
“Prophetic” because this harmless, enormously versatile plant’s rightful status (to “illegal”) was recently restored in the U.S., and economists are expecting some hemp products to soon rake in billions in revenue.
Federally, hemp is now completely legal for commercial cultivation and production in the United States, within some regulatory restrictions.
RELATED: 5 Tremendous Benefits of Hemp + 5 Facts About Its History
While it’s impossible to name every hemp product out there, following is a list of at least the most interesting and trusted hemp products.
1. Dog Toys
Starting off, there are hemp dog toys. Best known is probably the tug toys or hemp rope bones.
Since hemp rope is one of the most durable materials known, your canine companion will have a tough time tearing through these bad boys. Ranging in price according to size, 100% hemp rope dog toys are relatively cheap, especially when compared to some of the other “ultra-tough” dog toys on the market.
Also, hemp shreds into microfibers, so unlike cotton, ingesting it will not cause your dog harm.
2. Animal Bedding
Bedding for animals is also worth a mention. This is yet another perfect hemp product with some really fine qualities:
- It’s super absorbent
- It beats wood chips and sawdust for reduced odor
- It reduces dust
- It’s biodegradable
- It’s more durable than, for instance, pine or straw
- It can be used for any animal, including horses, hamsters, hens, reptiles and many more.
3. Hemp Beauty Products—Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash
Most often, when you look at the ingredients on the back of your soap bottles, you can barely pronounce their names, let alone know what they are or do to your body. Organic hemp hair products and soaps, packed with all the healthy compounds in the plant, are old favorites.
Hemp beauty products, especially the organic ones, are also good for sensitive skin.
4. Sunglasses
Manufactured by a company in Scotland, Hemp Eyewear are beautifully handcrafted glasses made completely from hemp fiber and looking darn good too. Expect gorgeous products like these to start trending this year!
5. Hemp Beer and Vodka
Hemp and vodka are among the most interesting hemp food products on the market today.
California is taking the lead here with a brewery that is already creating an award-winning American hops—the Humboldt Hemp Ale. In 2014, it took second place in the Great International Beer and Cider Competition and is brewed with toasted hemp seeds. Expect a unique, herbal taste.
Colorado follows suit with a first in the U.S.—hemp vodka. With 40% alcohol content, Colorado High is claimed to be smooth and mellow, but with a kick!
RELATED: 7 Reasons Your Body Will Absolutely Love A Beer Bath
6. Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil
Boy oh boy, it’s not possible to praise this hemp product enough. One of the hundreds of chemical compounds in cannabis, CBD is known for a myriad of health benefits. From giving it to your pets to taking it yourself, CBD is simply amazing.
This is considered one of the foremost hemp products for pain.
Listing its medically proven and anecdotal benefits here will not do this cannabinoid justice, so best do the research.
The reason for its place on this list is that this industry is expected to explode in the U.S. this year. So, look out for CBD products in your supermarket soon…
RELATED: Why CBD Massages Are The Best Way To Relax
7. Hemp Plastic
Enthuses one popular pro-hemp site: “In 1941, Henry Ford built a car out of hemp. It was not only built out of hemp plastic, but it also ran on hemp fuel. Hemp plastic was tested to be much stronger than steel. They tried denting the hemp car with a hammer, but the car didn’t even budge.”
Now, this is, as good as it sounds, a very embellished version of the truth!
Ford did build a prototype bio-plastic car, which comprised 10% hemp. According to an archived article from the New York Times (1941), Ford’s vision was to support the growing industry of plastic …” made from what’s grown in the land!”
It’s true that this plastic was stronger and much more pliable than steel, something allegedly demonstrated by Ford himself when he took to it with an axe. The plastic was undented, while its metal counterpart was badly cleaved.
There’s no mention that this car ran on hemp fuel, though.
So, hemp could probably find itself in more plastic products this year, but it is unlikely that we will ever drive cars made of cannabis. (Pity—Canna Car sounds totes cool!)
RELATED: Hemp vs. Cannabis
8. Hempcrete
Apparently, Prince Charles has a “green” home, made from hempcrete! And no wonder.
Hempcrete is building material made from the woody core of the hemp plant, mixed with a lime binder. There are many good reasons for building your house out of hempcrete.
- It is an amazing thermodynamic insulator, making it suitable for many climates.
- It reduces energy costs by 50-70%.
- Hempcrete absorbs C02, reducing your carbon footprint and getting stronger with time!
- It is soundproof.
It costs a bit more than conventional building material, but your house will be more durable than brick-and-mortar buildings. So, your return on investment is better. You will probably need a specialist consultant to help you build your hemp house, though.
So, it is clear—hemp products can be used for a great many things. In fact, far more than we have listed here. Natural or holistic? Try out the hemp products and decide for yourself! The world is embracing hemp and hemp products, and this year the U.S. market is expected to buzz with these!
- http://www.herbmuseum.ca/files/(1938)BillionDollarCrop.pdf
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrebourque/2018/12/17/how-hemp-and-the-farm-bill-may-change-life-as-you-know-it/#52ed42fd694c
- https://ministryofhemp.com/blog/hemp-products-list/
- http://www.odhemp.com/
- https://hempeyewear.com/pages/our-story
- http://theangryhistorian.blogspot.com/2010/10/hemp-car-myth-busted.html
- https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/20/building-your-dream-home-could-send-you-to-the-hemp-dealer.html