Terms and Conditions For BeWellBuzz Journalists
By submitting your application to become a BeWellBuzz journalist, you (“Author”) agree to the following terms and conditions:
- You grant BeWellBuzz irrevocable rights to publish, in full, the articles you submit through this site.
- You will submit original articles that are your own. You will also give sources for information that may be copied from other sites.
- You understand that any found plagiarism will be grounds for immediate account deletion. We will randomly push your articles through http://www.copyscape.com/.
- You will only write factual articles.
- You will be considerate and thoughtful in your writing. In other words don’t lie and be nice.
- You understand that writing only for the purpose of selling an affiliate product or your own goods is ground for account termination.
- You understand that you may link to your own site in an author box area at the bottom of your article.
- You will disclose your relationship with any products that you may be promoting in an article.
- You will get permission first before promoting any product via affiliate link or any other means.
- You understand that you will receive no payment whatsoever from BeWellBuzz in exchange for the right to publish the articles you submit.
- You agree that the articles you submit to BeWellBuzz for publication under this program shall be exclusive to BeWellBuzz for a period of at least 30 days. That means you won’t publish them elsewhere for 30 days.
- BeWellBuzz may terminate your author account at any time for any reason. (This right is reserved to us to potentially deal with authors who might try to game the system in some way.) You will be contacted via email with reasons of termination. Rest assured if you are honest your account will be in good standing. This clause for any people trying to “play games”.
- You are free to terminate your account at any time.
- BeWellBuzz reserves the right to modify and update these Terms and Conditions as it sees fit.
- You agree to contact us with any issues or problems you may have.
- You agree not to be evil.