Eating for Your Blood Type – O Blood Type

While the identification of different blood groups began in the early 1900’s, there still isn’t much consensus over the evolutionary meaning behind them. Blood types are identified by the types and quantities of different proteins which are found on red blood cells. The proteins are glycoproteins and glycolipids, and different combinations will result in incompatibility for transfusions.
There is also mounting evidence demonstrating that different blood types are more prone to certain disease. For example, people with type A have a 20 percent higher chance of developing stomach cancer then type O, while type O tends to be more susceptible to developing ulcers. The main categories are type A, B, O, with O being further divided into blood type O positive and O negative blood type. O negative blood is marked by no association with A or B, and no Rh factor, while O positive blood is also not associated with A or B types, but does have a Rh factor.
Over the years, it has been found that different types of blood groups have different acceptance levels with regard to food and diet. Certain food works well with certain blood types, while other foods are not as easily digested. Your blood type is a likely reason why you have an aversion to or problems with digesting various types of food. Although this theory does have its critics, it is well established in many circles and there is some solid justification behind it. Blood types and different dietary requirements go hand in hand.
Peter D’Adamo is a trusted naturopathic physician. According to him, blood type is what determines how and why people react to foods, supplements, medical treatments, and exercise in different ways. Just because a medical treatment works on one patient, doesn’t guarantee it will work for another. Dr. D’Adamo has performed extensive research into genetics, anthropology and medical history, and the findings have led him to conclude that it’s likely an individual’s blood type which could be the key to finding the best health care solutions for each individual.
According to experts, blood type O is the oldest blood group in humanity’s long history. It has been traced to as far back as Cro-Magnon man, and its evolution can be dated to approximately 40,000 BC. It is also believed that the majority of people in the world today have type O blood.
Eating for your Blood Type: Type O
People with O type blood have the hardiest digestive systems. Of course, it also depends on individual disposition and circumstance, but at a general level, they have hardy systems. Blood type O is considered to have a good digestive system capable of handling good meat, poultry, and fish. This is an effective o positive blood type diet as well as for the O negative group.
Given this history, people with O blood group need animal protein to maintain good health, along with a balance of vegetables and fruits. However, the emphasis is on animal protein. Seafood and sea kelp are a good source of iodine which is an essential requirement for O type people as these people tend to suffer from a sluggish metabolism and low thyroid. A diet well supplemented with iodine is essential.
Foods to Avoid for Type O Blood Types
wheat flour
partially-hydrogenated oil
ham, pork, and bacon
pickled vegetables
legumes and beans
brazil nuts
Blood type O folks have stomachs that tend to over produce something called hydrochloric acid. It is this substance that makes their digestive systems capable of digesting so much animal protein. An excess of hydrochloric acid means people with O blood type must avoid coffee, as the combination will give them peptic ulcers. Green tea is far more beneficial and less irritating.
O blood types also benefit from exercise – lots of it. Aerobics, jogging, power walking, and weight training are best for them. The more they work out and the higher intensity, the better their overall health will be. Get moving, burn the fat, and sweat it out!
Foods to Stock up on for O Blood Types
spelt flour
leafy green vegetables
rice, millet, and quinoa
sweet potatoes
ginger tea
dandelion tea
seeded fruits (apples and pears)
O Blood type can fit a vegetarian diet as well because after all not everyone wants to eat tons of animal protein. Today a lot of people opt for a vegetarian diet and their blood type shouldn’t restrict their individual choice in the matter. There are plenty of sources of protein for the veggies among us which are still extremely beneficial given blood type O.
Vegetarian Foods for O Blood Types
peanut butter
cheese – farmer, feta, goat and mozzarella
Perhaps some of these restrictions and dietary suggestions already make sense to you. Perhaps you already hate avocados, or maybe you react poorly to wheat, this is likely because it’s based on the blood type dietary theory. If you are blood type O, try giving the above recommendations a try for a few weeks, and see the difference it might make for your digestive health and overall well-being!