3 Foods for Natural Weight Loss

Is it possible to naturally lose weight and enjoy the taste of food at the same time? Thankfully, the answer is yes! We naturally like to eat food that also tastes good. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables also has many other health benefits in addition to reducing weight.
The foods mentioned below are low in calories, high in nutrients and high in volume. The best part is they fill you up without the burden of fat or calories. Plant-based foods also help to control food cravings and overeating.
The following are five foods that will help you achieve your weight loss goal naturally and will taste good as well:
Spaghetti squash: One of the biggest issues dieters have is not being able to enjoy the foods they love, such as pasta. Spaghetti squash is the perfect solution. When cooked, it pulls apart in strands and can replace the spaghetti. It has far fewer calories than traditional pasta, spaghetti squash also is a good source of vitamins and other nutrients as well as fiber. Squash usually weighs four to eight pounds and is available throughout the year. Its peak season runs from early fall through winter. Replacing your pasta with spaghetti squash can help those pounds come off much more quickly.
Apples: Pectin is a soluble fiber in apples which helps cleanse your intestines so you eliminate wastes better and your digestive tract works more efficiently. Apples are low in calories, low in fat and contain vitamins and minerals. The antioxidants in apples may actually help prevent metabolic syndrome marked by excess belly fat. If you eat a medium-sized apple with the skin on, you will get approximately four grams of fiber. Another tip is to eat apples 30-60 minutes before a meal to decrease your appetite. The apple’s fiber fills your stomach and makes you feel full so you eat less of a meal. In fact, people who ate an apple before a pasta meal ate less than those who had other snacks. In addition , eating apples in between meals can help you avoid snacking on sweets or chips. Ironically, an apple a day can help prevent you from having an “apple shape”!
Salads: Do you tend to overeat at meals? You can control that calorie intake by starting your meal with a large salad (with healthy dressing). Studies have show those who ate a big salad ate less pasta afterward. Eating salads before a meal helps you to feel full faster and therefore consume fewer calories during your main meal. In addition to being fiber rich, leafy greens are another great source of antioxidants. Studies have found people who ate one salad a day with dressing had higher levels of antioxidants including vitamins A, C and E, beta-carotene, folic acid, lycopene, and carotenoids, which help keep us healthy. On top of this the fiber helps with cleansing your digestive system. Salads for weight reduction ideally contain romaine, butterhead, red and green loose leaf lettuce, arugula and kale. Also add vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes) for additional fiber and nutrients. Adding salads for reducing weight could be one of the best things you do to achieve your weight loss goal. The only side note is make your own dressing with olive oil and lemon juice or apple cider vinegar with seasoning (versus store bought dressing).