Oceans Alive
Larry & Oksana Ostrovsky, founders of BeWellBuzz, are Life Upgrade Coaches committed to helping you navigate through the latest natural health and personal development information to a destination of optimal wellness. The goal of this site is to be a catalyst in creating and spreading the Buzz, dispelling dangerous myths, society norms and helping you elevate your spirit, do more, live better, and think deeper one day at a time.
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HelloLife™ Home » Explore Home » Popular News » Health Care: Does Healthy Eating Increase Productivity?[4][1][2][3]
For most persons, productivity is divided into two axels: the home and workplace. Today’s workforce is particularly aware of t…
Our body is simply amazing at sending us signals if something is wrong. As long as we know what…
You may have heard the buzz. Activated charcoal for whiter teeth! Activated charcoal for clearer skin! Activated charcoal for…
Quenching summer thirst calls for a tall, cold beverage – and what better way to satisfy that thirst than…
A healthy and sustainable way of eating, Peganism cherry-picks the best bits of the paleo diet and veganism, making…
Tony Robbins, an American self-help author and motivational speaker says that complete health is made up of 10% physical…